Sponsorship opportunities are available now. Make your company visible and be associated with a prestigious event! Please contact Zoe Zhang at (86 21) 6169 3011 for more information. Click here for the detailed sponsorship guide. e page or click on some items in the Common Objects section to add more images, titles and texts to your page.
我们诚挚邀请您的公司加入2021年 Carnaval De Las Americas赞助行列,向商会会员和各界精英名流展示您的产品与品牌,同时为本地的慈善事业慷慨助力。请点击此处下载中文版赞助详情,更多信息请洽Zoe Zhang(致电021- 6169 3011,邮箱zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org)。