This year marks the 110th anniversary of AmCham Shanghai's founding. On June 9, 1915, 45 American businessmen gathered at Shanghai's Palace Hotel (today's Peace Hotel) to create the first American Chamber of Commerce in China so as to promote the interests of American commerce in China. Over the past century, our core mission has remained constant – to promote the success of our members and to support healthy commercial ties between the United States and China. Please click here to learn more about AmCham Shanghai's history.

To commemorate this milestone, AmCham Shanghai will hold an evening gala on Friday, June 6, 2025 at the Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong. The event will feature speeches by iconic American companies that have achieved tremendous growth in China and by senior officials from the US and China. It will also include other festivities.

We look forward to your participation!  


为纪念这一里程碑,上海美国商会将于2025年6月6日 (星期五) 在上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店举办庆典晚会,议程包括在华取得长足发展的著名美资企业代表发言和两国政府高级官员致辞。晚会还有其他庆祝活动。


Tickets and sponsorship available now!  门票和赞助席位现已开放! 

We look forward to commemorating the anniversary with our members and member companies. Sponsorship opportunities are also available; please click here to view the sponsorship package. For sponsorship inquiries, please contact

我们期盼着与所有会员和会员公司一起纪念这一里程碑. 请点击这里参阅活动赞助介绍, 具体事宜请联系

Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.  For event inquiries, please contact




The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong 上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店
Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai 上海浦东陆家嘴世纪大道8号国金中心
Shanghai, China

See route

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