This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.

The afternoon comprises a series of workshops with practical training and guidance to support professionals with their career development. Workshops will be held from 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm on a range of topics. Attendees are encouraged to select one workshop to attend. 

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS (held in parallel; choose one)

1. Own the Room by LifeHikes - Lauren Xiong, Coach, LifeHikes 

Have you ever stayed quiet in a meeting, shied away from asking for a raise, or felt like your ideas weren't being heard at the workplace?

Join this training session focused on improving soft skills like communication. Using a highly interactive approach, the coach will share actionable strategies to help you shift your mindset, let go of self-doubt, and realize your full potential. Through a series of engaging activities in this session, you'll be empowered to communicate effectively, lead with confidence, and own your accomplishments in an assertive yet approachable way.

2. Embrace Stress, Elevate Leadership: Sport as Your Ally - Zarko Krkeljas, Athletic Director, Duke Kunshan University

Dive into an invigorating workshop that flips the conventional narrative around reducing stress to instead lean into it.

Hosted by a seasoned sport science expert, this workshop explores how the principles of sports science and psychology can amplify your leadership skills. You'll be immersed in engaging discussions and activities, designed to be interactive while ensuring you won't break a sweat. During this session, we will focus on embracing stress and channeling it into a powerful tool to redefine your stress response and empower your leadership journey.

3. Empowering All to Be Inclusive Leaders - Diano Ho & Stella Hu, Coach, WEC

Inclusive leaders are essential to business success and social impact. The good news? Anyone can become one by developing specific attributes and behaviors. If you are resilient and willing to embrace a challenge, then you can impact cultural transformation. 

Based on member company insights, WEC created a framework of six standout attributes of a truly inclusive leader and strategies that everyone can adopt in order to hone these attributes and be inclusive. Join this practical and reflective workshop to share and learn how to become an inclusive leader at any level!