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Proceeds from the 2018 AmCham Ball will be donated to the following NGOs:
  • China Zigen Rural Education and Development Association
“Rural Adolescent Girls Health Education”
  • Mifanmama
“Project Illumine”
  • Xiersen Children Service Center
“Careers in Care”

China Zigen Rural Education and Development Association

Established in 1995, Zigen is a national NGO focused on children and education. The program will provide training to 30 teachers in Yunnan Province to enable them to carry out training programs at 16 schools on adolescent girl health issues. The program will reach 1,000 girls and provide them basic education on gynecological, self-esteem and other adolescent health issues.


Mifanmama is focused on programs to prevent avoidable blindness and raise awareness towards eye health in rural regions. The funds will be used for prevention programs through eye test camps and rehabilitation programs that provides job and life skills training. The program will provide services to eight schools with 880 students.

Xiersen Children Service Center

Established in 2014, Xiersen Children Service Center is a Shanghai-registered NGO focused on improving the condition of special education in China for Chinese people. The Careers in Care (CIC) project provides training to migrant workers on special education care. Trainees will be taught how to support children in a special education environment. They hope to train thousands of workers throughout China, impacting 3 millions of special needs children over the next five years.