This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.


Companies and individuals are welcome to visit the American Food and Agriculture Pavilion! Below are two ways to get a visitor's pass for half price. Please submit your badge application by October 14th. We look forward to seeing everyone in November!

  • 专业观众(企业)Professional Visitor (company)


Register for a company account via the link below and enter the invitation code (C2316273). Professional visitors who register with this invitation code or link will enjoy a 50% discount on the badge fee.


English Website:

  • 个人观众 Individual Visitor

在微信中进入"中国国际进口博览会"小程序,或扫码下载"中国国际进口博览会"手机APP。输入邀请码(06JC7X05)。使用该邀请码注册的个人观众将享受证件费5折优惠。个人观众的参观证件将显示 "SHANGHAI AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.INC. 邀请"字样。

Enter the "China International Import Expo" mini program on WeChat or scan the code to download the "China International Import Expo" mobile app and use the invitation code (06JC7X05). Individual visitors who register with the invitation code will enjoy a 50% discount on the badge fee. Individual visitor's badge will show "Invited by SHANGHAI AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.INC.".


1.  进入小程序/APP,点击右下角"我的"。(海外用户可在主页点击搜索框旁的"EN"切换界面语言至英文)。

2.  选择个人登录。推荐使用微信一键登录或短信快捷登录,无需专门注册账号。如无微信账号,可使用快捷登录,使用邮箱验证。

3.  填写证件信息并输入邀请码(06JC7X05)。必须有正确的单位邀请码才能通过移动端注册个人证件。

4.  选择证件领取方式,并上传照片。港澳台、外籍参观人员还需上传来往大陆通行证照片或护照照片。

5.  点击"提交加入申请"。 您可看到自己的状态变为"待审核加入"。您可在小程序、APP 中查询证件审核发放状态。

Steps of operation:

1. Enter the mini program/app and click "My" in the lower right corner. (Overseas users can switch the language to English by clicking "EN" next to the search box on the homepage.)

2. Select Personal Login. It is recommended to use WeChat one-click login or SMS quick login with no need to register for the account. If you don't have a WeChat account, you can use quick login to verify your email address.

3. Fill in your personal information and enter the invitation code (06JC7X05). You must have the correct invitation code to register individual visitor badge via mobile.

4. Choose your preferred may to receive the badge and upload your photo. Visitors from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and abroad must also upload a photo of their China Travel Permit or passport.

5. Click "Submit Application". You will see your status changes to "Pending". You can check the status of your badge in the mini program or app.