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Suneet Puri

中国区总裁 at Tata Consultancy Services
William Xu (数字化创新亚太地区负责人 at Pfizer)

William Xu

数字化创新亚太地区负责人 at Pfizer

Bin (William) Xu leads Pfizer’s Digital Innovation & Alliances group (formerly Digital Innovation Lab) for the Asia-Pacific region. Joined Pfizer in April 2020, he has been driving the pharma giant’s open innovation effort across a wide spectrum of strategic priorities, actively engaging Pfizer with entrepreneurs, business leadership and emerging technology communities as well as national healthcare eco-systems. For example, he spearheads Pfizer APAC’s open innovation platform, including start-up accelerator and pilot programmes for a number of therapeutic areas, such as Vaccine, Rare Diseases and Internal Medicine in China and Southeast Asia. He is also behind Pfizer’s support of the recent Japan-ASEAN Co-Creation Fast Track initiative, launched by the Japanese and the Singaporean governments, with a view to encourage cross-border innovation and healthcare transformation.

Bin has co-led the 2020 Innovation Challenge on patient accessibility and affordability across EM Asia. He has also represented Pfizer as an avid contributor of a number of key industry events and high-profile government-sponsored programmes – for example, the Global Bio-Economy Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition in China and Enterprise Singapore’s SLINGSHOT HealthTech, BioTech & MedTech track – designed to support healthcare start-ups in partnership with both the public and the private sectors.

Prior to his Pfizer days, Bin ran his own start-up consultancy and provided end-to-end advisory to early- and growth-stage tech ventures in Europe and Asia. Before this entrepreneurial endeavour, he had held highly regarded positions in public and private equity investment, mergers and acquisitions, strategy consulting and NGOs/think tanks, specialised in healthcare and technology.

Bin was awarded an MBA with a scholarship from Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in 2017. He also holds an MSc in Risk Management & Financial Engineering from Imperial College London and a BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology with Industry Placement from University College London, University of London.

Elina Yu (生命科学与医疗行业负责人;印度尼西亚区域负责人 at Tata Consultancy Services)

Elina Yu

生命科学与医疗行业负责人;印度尼西亚区域负责人 at Tata Consultancy Services

Elina is the Country Head for TCS Indonesia, owning complete profits and loss responsibility for the growing market and to execute growth strategy for TCS businesses in the Indonesia region.

Elina also heads the Life Sciences and Healthcare business unit for Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in the Asia Pacific region, with primary focus on helping enterprises in their digital transformation journey through cutting-edge solutions and technologies. As the founder for this business unit in APAC, Elina leverages on the strong ecosystem to enable clients to be agile and embrace risk in the fast-evolving business landscape.

Prior to that, Elina had worked on various Smart Cities initiatives for TCS with specific focus on Smart Healthcare since 2010. In 2011, she partnered with the Singapore Management University (SMU) to set up the iCity Lab, part of TCS' COIN Innovation Network leveraging on Internet of Things (IoT), wearable technologies and socio-behavioural research, to improve clinical and community care service delivery.

Based in Singapore, Elina was in charge of planning and managing the allocation of resources for various healthcare research programs, promoting research outcomes and managing partnerships with external parties from both industry and government. She was also the listed collaborator for iCity Lab’s flagship ageing-in-place initiative - "SHINESeniors"- which was jointly awarded by the Singapore’s Ministry of National Development and National Research Foundation under the Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge in Nov 2014.

Elina embarked on her career in the information technology industry at Microsoft and Pactera as technical and business consultant.

Elina obtained her Master in Business Administration (MBA) degree from the University of Cambridge with concentration in Innovation, Arts and Media Management, and a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from University of Electronic Science and Technology in China (UESTC).

Fluent in English, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) , and conversational in Bahasa Indonesia and Japanese, Elina is a member of Asia Marketing Federation with deep focus on promoting business in APAC region. She was also awarded by Ernest & Young as the “China Women in Business Network - Young Achiever of the Year” in 2011. Elina is also a visiting lecturer and mentor for undergraduate students in multi-entrepreneurship programs and conducts public speeches regularly. She is a trained speaker for Media and Analyst Relations.


Annelie Qu

Executive Director, Business Intelligence Center Healthcare Chapter of emLyon Business School

Melissa Liu

数字化转型客户体验主管 at 美国大型跨国药企
Xiaoliang Tang (销售运营经理 at Cordis)

Xiaoliang Tang

销售运营经理 at Cordis
Gina Wu (Assistant CEO of 矅影医疗)

Gina Wu

Assistant CEO of 矅影医疗

Penny Xiao

生命科学与医疗行业负责人 at Tata Consultancy Services

James Xiong

合规经理 at Alfasigma

Yijuan Yao

亚太区高级技术经理 at Quidelortho