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Tuesday, July 25, 2017 (8:45 AM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8

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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

Suite 568, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai, China

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Pasta Pei

Pasta Pei

Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP)
Microsoft Office Professional Trainer, Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solution

Engages in corporate office training consulting and lecturing. Offers services for many MNCs, governments, colleges and universities. Has more than 6 years’ training experience in corporate IT techniques training and efficient Microsoft Office series course training. Understands the subtleties of customers’ needs, also tailors to their requirements on IT system software applications and training solutions to help improve their work efficiency.
Pei teaches his courses in a simple but profound way. His humorous teaching styles and motivating students are well acclaimed by trainees.

裴胜韬:微软Office最有价值专家 (MVP)、微软认证技术专家 (MCP)、微软(中国)内训计划专职讲师


擅长从细微之处获取客户需求,并根据客户需求订制 IT 系统软件应用及培训解决方案,帮助客户大幅提高员工工作效率;曾深入研究有关企业培训、成人教育相关课题,并将其应用于培训过程;善于深入浅出的讲解问题,课程结构条理清晰,举例严谨贴切;授课风格生动幽默,善于调动学员学习积极性,引导学员独立思考和解决问题。
