
Joe Chang202301105 AMCHAM.pdfdownload
2023_Tezign_Amcham_Steve WANG.pdfdownload


Generative AI is a subset of AI that focuses on creating new content such as images, videos, music, and text, rather than simply recognizing patterns in existing data. Generative AI has seen significant progress in recent years thanks to advances in deep learning. It has also already been applied in industries such as fashion, gaming, entertainment, medicine, finance, and many more in the near future.

As technology continues to evolve, generative AI startups are increasingly attracting investment and attention from the tech community, making it an exciting area to watch. Join AmCham Shanghai's Tech & Innovation Committee on May 11 from 4-5:30 pm for an exciting event featuring generative AI startups. As part of our ongoing ChatGPT series, some startups will be invited to showcase their cutting-edge technology and innovative business applications. We'll also hear from a leading VC company on their perspective on AI technology.


4:00 pm: Opening and Introduction

4:05 pm: Perspectives on Investment Trends in Generative AI

4:25 pm: Startup Showcase

5:15 pm: Audience Q & A

5:30 pm: Event ends

Startup introduction:

  • Tezign 特赞

特赞Tezign 的使命是用科技赋能商业和社会的想象力。自2015年创业以来,我们始终专注于技术与创意的融合,致力于搭建创意内容的数字新基建,为全球品牌提供内容体验的生产、管理、分发、分析的解决方案,赋能品牌的内容数字化转型,助力品牌以内容驱动增长。目前,特赞已服务了 200 多家大中型企业,成功帮助阿里巴巴、联合利华、字节跳动、百事、资生堂、宝洁、星巴克、麦当劳、亨氏、玛氏、百威、阿迪达斯、特步、Ubras、联想、欧莱雅、达能、保时捷、奥迪、沃尔沃、Aptar、博世、史丹利百得、卡特彼勒等全球领先品牌搭建内容中台,升级内容战略;已生产了超过 15万 的内容资产并形成亿级的内容资产管理规模,搭建的内容生态已聚集 5万 多个内容创作者。

特赞已完成D1轮融资,成为估值超 10 亿美金的内容科技赛道唯一独角兽企业,投资方包括淡⻢锡、红杉资本、软银中国、赫斯特、线性资本等国际知名投资机构。特赞作为国内领先的设计与人工智能商业落地推动者,已获发明专利20+项,设计智能相关软件著作权30+项。2017年特赞和同济大学共同成立了同济特赞设计人工智能实验室,进行设计创意的人工智能研究和人才培养。

Tezign has the vision Technology Empowers Imagination. Founded in 2015, Tezign aims to build the digital infrastructure of content experience. Tezign provides digital platform based on enterprise content workflow, connecting content production, management and application, to help brands drive growth with content. Tezign has partnered with more than 200 medium to large enterprises such as Alibaba, Unilever, ByteDance, PepsiCo, Shiseido, P&G, Starbucks, McDonald's, Heinz, Mars, Budweiser, Adidas, Xtep, Ubras, Lenovo, L'Oreal, Danone, Porsche, Audi, Volvo, Aptar, Bosch, Stanley Black & Decker, Caterpillar etc to build content platforms and upgrade their content strategies. It has produced more than 150,000 content assets and formed a one hundred million level content asset management scale. Tezign's content ecosystem has gathered more than 50,000 content creators.

Tezign has raised the D1 round of financing and become the only Contech unicorn enterprise with a valuation of more than US $1 billion. Tezign is backed by world recognized investors including Temasek, Sequoia Capital, Hearst Ventures, Linear Capital, among others. Tezign, as a leading pioneer of design and artificial intelligence in China, has obtained 20 + invention patents and 30 + copyrights of design intelligence related software. In 2017, Tezign and Tongji University jointly founded Design A.I. Laboratory and graduate program for applied research to bring machine learning and A.I. technology to content creation and experience design.

  • WarpEngine跃迁引擎

WarpEngine ( is a startup specialized in human-centered generative AI technologies. Our mission is to eliminate distances via life-like, photo-realistic, and cost-efficient digital human. Built upon our research breakthrough of the first generative human foundation model, our AI video generation platform has empowered various novel applications in the education, social marketing, and communication industries.



MRS. ai is in the stealth mode. The company's mission is to create the intelligent network of AI. Please check out for more information.


  • Joe Chang (Managing Director of Prosperity7 Ventures)

    Joe Chang

    Managing Director of Prosperity7 Ventures

  • Steve Wang (Co-founder of Tezign)

    Steve Wang

    Co-founder of Tezign

    Steve is a continuous entrepreneur, the co-founder of Contech unicorn Tezign. Tezign is providing digital platform based on enterprise content workflow, connecting content production, management and application, to help leading brands worldwide drive growth with content. He is a renowned digital expert in China, AI expert, World Economic Forum Global Shapers, Shanghai industry elite talent, 36 Kr 2022 X36Under36 entrepreneur, and recipient of Zhang Shousheng Scholarship at Gaoshan University.

    In Tezign, Steve is responsible for product technology and business operations, focusing on research and product development in the field of marketing technology and design artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on exploring AIGC technology capabilities and promoting business landing scenarios. He has participated in and led various research and industrialization promotion at Tongji Tezign Design and Artificial Intelligence Lab. He has shared insights on lots of martech conferences, AIGC industry summit seminars and AI industry conference.


    在特赞,王喆负责产品技术和业务运营,专注于营销科技及设计人工智能领域研究和产品开发,尤其关注 AIGC 技术能力探索和业务落地场景推动上,参与并牵头多个特赞与同济大学联合成立的设计人工智能实验室的课题研究和产业化推广,曾多次在营销科技大会、AIGC 产业峰会研讨会、人工智能行业大会上分享设计与人工智能行业洞察。

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  • Mingke Luo (Co-founder & CEO of

    Mingke Luo

    Co-founder & CEO of

    Mingke Luo founded, aiming to provide a candidate framework for the next web: The AI Network. is a startup alumni of BMW StartupGarage, Intel GrowthX Accelerator & Visa Everywhere Initiative, and it is currently in stealth mode.

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  • Hang Chu (Co-founder and CEO of WarpEngine)

    Hang Chu

    Co-founder and CEO of WarpEngine

    Hang Chu ( is currently co-founder and CEO at WarpEngine. He has been among the first pioneers in AI content generation technology since the year of 2017. Previously, he was a principal research scientist at Autodesk. He worked as a researcher at multiple industry-leading AI labs, such as Facebook, Nvidia, and Google. He was a PhD candidate at University of Toronto’s machine learning group, did his master’s at Cornell University, and his undergraduate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


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