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Arnold Gao (Director of Deloitte)

Arnold Gao

Director of Deloitte

As the leader of Deloitte’s Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Community in China, Arnold was invited by the Office of the State Council, People's Bank of China, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission to deliver blockchain presentations to government officials and regulators in relation to the current development and future trends of the technology. In the meantime, Arnold Gao was invited by the management of large SOEs in China to discuss industrial blockchain application and provide advisory services.
Arnold’s research focuses on the consensus algorithms used in blockchain technology as well as prototype development and technical implementation in various business cases. He has been working on feasibility analyses of public chains, private chains and sidechains with different consensus algorithms and design methodologies for blockchain adoption in the financial sector. Meanwhile, Arnold has his own views and understanding of digital currency enabled by blockchain technology.
Before joining Deloitte, Arnold Gao provided Microsoft China with technology solutions for its global clients.

作为德勤全球加密货币及区块链社区(dbc3) 在中国区的负责人, 高挺先生曾受国务院办公厅、中国人民银行及证监会邀请,为其专门开展区块链讲座并与监管者探讨区块链发展趋势。同时,受国内各大机构高管邀请,与其就区块链在行业的应用前景展开深入讨论并提供咨询建议。

Zennon Kapron (Director of Kapronasia)

Zennon Kapron

Director of Kapronasia

Zennon is the founder and Director of Kapronasia, one of Asia’s leading providers of research and consulting services focusing on the financial industry and financial technology. Zennon has been involved in the financial technology industry for over 20 years and is a regular participant in fintech and digital currency events both in Asia and globally. He has also testified in front of the U.S. Congress on issues of Chinese fintech.
Zennon is also the author of ‘Chomping at the Bitcoin: The History and Future of Bitcoin in China’ published by Penguin. Before Kapronasia, Zennon was the Global Banking Industry Manager for Intel based out of Shanghai, China. Prior to Intel, he was the CIO for Citigroup Portugal. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science from Syracuse University and an MBA from INSEAD.

Zennon是Kapronasia的创始人兼董事,Kapronasia是亚洲领先的金融行业和金融技术研究和咨询服务提供商之一。 Zennon从事金融技术行业已有20多年,并定期参与亚洲和全球行业活动,涵盖金融技术和数字货币的所有主题,并在美国国会面前就中国金融科技问题作出了证明。
Zennon同时也是Penguin出版的“比特币馅饼:中国比特币的历史和未来”一书的作者。 在Kapronasia之前,Zennon曾担任英特尔公司在中国上海的全球银行业业务经理,在英特尔之前曾担任花旗集团葡萄牙的CIO。 他拥有锡拉丘兹大学计算机科学学士学位和INSEAD工商管理硕士学位。

Tomaz Levak (Co-Founder & CEO of OriginTrail)

Tomaz Levak

Co-Founder & CEO of OriginTrail

Tomaz Levak is Co-Founder and CEO of OriginTrail, a blockchain company developing the first purpose-built decentralized protocol for supply chains. He has been on a mission to build transparency in food supply chains since 2011 and has led implementations of traceability solutions for enterprises in Europe and Asia. OriginTrail has been using blockchain in their solutions from the early on and Tomaz is an authority on using the blockchain technology for data integrity in global supply chains.

With live use cases and pilot projects using the blockchain for supply chain integrity, supply chain management, and compliance, OriginTrail is a pioneer in efficient and scalable blockchain implementations, using GS1 standards. Existing applications include supply chain visibility for GMO-free dairy products, premium poultry and fresh vegetables, preventing counterfeiting in wine, as well as ensuring data integrity in online retail, for logistics center, and for laboratory information management systems. OriginTrail also established the Trace Alliance - a collaborative hub for solving supply chain challenges, using blockchain technology. It is an association of corporations, services providers, and developers that closely collaborate on the implementations of the protocol.

OriginTrail is a member of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance and Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition by ConsenSys. An OriginTrail blockchain project with Chinese online food marketplace Yimishiji received the Innovation Spark 2017 Award by the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center in Beijing and was admitted to its Innovation Pipeline. The company also received Food+City award in Austin, Texas in 2017.

Tomaz Levak是OriginTrail的联合创始人兼首席执行官,Originock是一家区块链公司,开发供应链的第一个专用分散协议。自2011年以来,他一直致力于建立食品供应链透明度,并为欧洲和亚洲企业实施可追溯性解决方案。 OriginTrail从早期开始就在他们的解决方案中使用区块链,Tomaz是将区块链技术用于全球供应链数据完整性的权威。

借助实时使用案例和使用区块链实现供应链完整性,供应链管理和合规性的试点项目,OriginTrail是使用GS1标准的高效和可扩展区块链实施的先锋。现有的应用包括无转基因乳制品,优质家禽和新鲜蔬菜的供应链可视性,防止葡萄酒仿冒,以及确保在线零售,物流中心和实验室信息管理系统的数据完整性。 OriginTrail还建立了Trace Alliance--利用区块链技术解决供应链挑战的协作中心。它是一个公司,服务提供商和开发人员协会,密切协作协议的实现。

OriginTrail是ConsenSys的以太坊企业联盟和社区影响联盟区块链的成员。与中国在线食品市场合作的OriginTrail区块链项目一米市集获得北京沃尔玛食品安全协作中心颁发的the Innovation Spark 2017 Award,并获准进入其创新管道。该公司还于2017年在德克萨斯州奥斯汀市获得了食品和城市奖。

Jiang Li (CTO at Microsoft China)

Jiang Li

CTO at Microsoft China

Jing Li has 33 years of experience in IT, management, and finance, including more than five years of technical and management experience at Bank of America and 16 years of integrated technology and management experience at IBM Asia Pacific, IBM China, and IBM Australia. He also has engaged in entrepreneurial work at the Beijing Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee and acted as the Senior Vice President of Centrin Data Systems, the President of 21Vianet Group’s Innovation Research Institute, and the President of Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology. Jing Li has a wide range of expertise in cloud computing, blockchain industry planning and implementation, information technology strategy and outsourcing, IT governance and product innovation, financial IT and R&D technology management, in addition to other fields.

拥有33年集IT、管理和金融的工作经验,其中包括在美国商业银行五年多技术与管理经验, 在IBM公司亚太区、IBM中国公司和IBM澳大利亚公司多个部门16年的综合技术与管理经验。并且拥有在北京市经济与信息化委员会专职顾问、中金数据系统有限公司高级副总裁、世纪互联公司创新研究院院长、西部云基地总裁的创业工作经历。专长在云计算、区块链的产业规划与实施、信息技术战略与外包、IT治理与产品创新、金融IT与研发技术管理等多个领域。

Leo Liu (Senior Actuary at SCOR Global Life)

Leo Liu

Senior Actuary at SCOR Global Life

Leo Liu is one of the very few actuaries with Casualty Actuarial Society and Society of Actuaries (FCAS & FSA) membership and is a Senior Actuary for international insurance and reinsurance companies in the Asia-Pacific region. With 12 years of experience in insurance product development and pricing, he has led teams that have helped companies such as Ant Financial Services and AutoNavi Software (Gaode Map) launch multiple insurance products.


Wendy Liu (JD-Y Blockchain Application at

Wendy Liu

JD-Y Blockchain Application at

Being a master of business administration, Wendy has many years of experience in the e-commerce product planning and management, and she is responsible for the user experience and intelligent marketing. She has worked in vancl, and as a product owner, where she was responsible for building e-commerce products and its ecosystem. In, Wendy has been leading the team to promote the application of blockchain in many different fields, including supply chain, electronic invoice, copyright protection, financial, etc. based on JD’s rich business scenarios and operating experience. She and her team are devoted to linking the consumer, brand business, , testing institutions, government, and industry associations to build a new era of trust economy .


Changrui Ren (Chief Scientist and Head of Emerging Technologies at IBM Research - China)

Changrui Ren

Chief Scientist and Head of Emerging Technologies at IBM Research - China

Dr. Ren is currently leading the emerging technologies research group at IBM Research - China. He has devoted himself to the fundamental research and industry applications of cutting edge technologies including blockchain, artificial intelligence and quantum algorithms. In 2008, the supply-chain optimization tool that he led was awarded the Supply-Chain Council’s Global Supply-Chain Excellence Award. Dr. Ren received his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, has published more than 100 academic papers in journals and international conferences, and holds more than 20 patents.


William Watts (Sr. Director, Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center of Walmart)

William Watts

Sr. Director, Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center of Walmart

William Watts, Sr. Director of the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center (WFSCC), is an experienced professional in government relations, international business, and business technology. Watts is
currently responsible for government engagement and building strategic partnerships with others in industry, academia, and research for the WFSCC. Watts focuses on strategic food safety programs and, in particular, concentrates on innovation and technology in food quality and agriculture. Before joining Walmart, Mr. Watts served as an Economic Officer in the U.S. Department of State and was a business technology consultant with Fortune 500 firm Accenture.Watts studied at three different Chinese universities during his college years- Southwest University forNationalities in Chengdu, East Normal China University in Shanghai, and Heilongjiang University in Harbin. Watts holds a degree in Economics with a minor in Asian Studies from the University of Arkansas where he graduated summa cum laude. Mr. Watts is conversant in Mandarin and has varying fluency in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Italian.

华智伟先生是沃尔玛食品安全协作中心高级总监,他在政府关系、国际商务及商务技术领域拥有丰富的工作经验。华智伟目前负责该中心与政府部门的合作,以及拓展与业内公司、学术机构、科研机构之间的战略伙伴关系。现阶段的工作重点是食品安全战略合作项目,尤其是食品质量控制及农产品领域的科技创新。在加入沃尔玛之前,华智伟曾在美国国务院任职经济官员。他还曾在财富 500 强公司埃森哲任职商务技术顾问。

Jerry Yu (Senior Actuary at SCOR Global P&C)

Jerry Yu

Senior Actuary at SCOR Global P&C

An expert in insurance and reinsurance, Jerry Yu has extensive experience in pricing, portfolio management, capital management, product development and risk management. He has led the product development of auto, agriculture, and credit risk insurance products with multiple international insurance companies. Jerry is currently a senior pricing manager with an international reinsurer’s APAC regions.


Johnson Zhao (GM at Neo Global Development)

Johnson Zhao

GM at Neo Global Development

General Manager of Neo Global Development
Hong Kong University postgraduate. Rich cross-discipline experiences in banking and the international financial service industry. Dedicated to inter-industry communication, building the developer community, refining business models, and integrating blockchain use cases with technical expertise and understanding.

Neo Global Development 总经理