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集中考察 Site Visits

考察大丰港(近)零碳产业园等 Visit Dafeng Port Near-zero Carbon Industrial Park, etc.

跨国企业江苏行--盐城(近)零碳产业园国际合作交流会 Experience Jiangsu for Multinational Companies: Conference on International Exchange of Yancheng Near-zero Carbon Industrial Parks

1. 观看(近)零碳产业园宣传片 Promotion video of near-zero carbon industrial parks
2. 领导致辞 Speeches
3. 专题推介 Presentation
4. 企业交流发言 Company exchanges
5. 成果发布 Achievement release
6. 项目签约仪式 Projects signing ceremony


1. 跨国公司高管发言 Speeches of executives of multinational companies
2. 省领导讲话 Speeches of Jiangsu Provincial leaders

晚餐(冷餐会) Dinner (Buffet)