
AmCham Shanghai Children's Art Exhibition is back to showcase artwork from Shanghai's international community!

This year, the theme will be LASTING FRIENDSHIP - knowing, liking, trusting. We invite young artists aged 18 and under to express their ideas through different forms of art, be it a painting, sculpture, photo, short video, design product, or art installation.

The judging panel will announce the winners in September. Award-winning works will be exhibited at the AmCham Shanghai office and at major AmCham events. Please encourage your children to submit their artwork!



  • Please click REGISTER to fill out the application form and submit your artwork. 请点击页面上的REGISTER,提交报名表和作品电子版

  • Submission deadline: Friday, Aug 30, 17:00 作品提交截止日期:2024年8月30日下午5点

  • Please specify the type of artwork in the application form and follow the suggestions below: 请在申请表中注明作品类型。上传作品过程请注意以下事项:

1. You may submit no more than two different pieces of artwork.


2. If your work is a painting or photography, please submit a photo in JPG format, not exceeding 3000x3000 DPI.

如果提交作品为绘画或摄影,请以不超过3000x3000 dpi的jpg格式提交(报名系统可直接提交)

3. If your work is a short video, please submit a video document in MP4 or MOV format, not exceeding 20MB. Please submit your video HERE.


4. If your work is sculpture, art installation or other types of art, you may submit up to 2 photos, not exceeding 3000x3000 DPI each. In addition to photos, you may also submit a video document to better showcase your work. The format can be MP4 or MOV, not exceeding 20MB. Please submit your video HERE.

如果提交作品为雕塑、装置或其他类型,可以提交不超过两张照片,不超过3000x3000 dpi的jpg格式(报名系统可直接提交);也可向此邮箱提交不超过20MB的视频。

5. Please note we may ask you to send the physical work if selected.


6. The exhibition is open to submissions from children of members and non-members.


For any inquiries, please email: Pauline.Xu@amcham-shanghai.org

*The header image: by Kamakshi Subramani


  • Juju Wang (Artist, Jujuwang)

    Juju Wang

    Artist, Jujuwang

    jujuwang,装置艺术家,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校。从大自然、诗歌和东方哲学中得到启发,通过大型艺术装置的创作与现代材料的结合,探索艺术、自然和文化之间的共通性。jujuwang的艺术实践与对生命意义的探索,和她的生活经历交织在一起。她的作品曾在中国,美国,法国,英国,瑞士,韩国等地展出,并受到众多国际一线品牌包括ACQUA DI PARMA, AP, AUDI, CANADA GOOSE, DIOR, GIVENCHY, SWAROVSKI, TIFFANY等的青睐,受邀与品牌展开跨界合作。 2019年,她被授予全球三位之一“Swarovski Designer of the Future”大奖;2020年,上榜中国艺术权力榜青年艺术家30榜单, 并获得罗博报告“年度青年艺术家”大奖。2019-2020年,上海美国商会授予她“年度未来领导者”和“年度委员会主席”奖项。2022年,上榜福布斯中国青年海归菁英100人。

    Chinese American installation artist, graduated from UC Berkeley. Inspired by Eastern philosophy and principles of humility, inner peace, and down to earth-ness, jujuwang’s practice is intertwined with her exploration of the meaning of life and her lived experience, where she explores the common ground between art, nature, and culture. Her works have been exhibited in China, U.S., France, England, Switzerland, Korean, and have received wide attention. At the same time, she has had numerous successful collaborations with top luxury brands including ACQUA DI PARMA, AP, AUDI, DIOR, CANADA GOOSE, GIVENCHY, SWAROVSKI, TIFFANY etc. In 2019, JUJUWANG was one of the three global talents to receive “Swarovski Designer of the Future Award”. In 2020, she was enlisted as one of the young artists on the “YOUTH POWER” by “ART POWER100” China, and was awarded “Young Artist of the Year” by Robb Report. From 2019-2020, she was awarded “Future Leader of the Year” and “Committee Leader of the Year” by AmCham Shanghai.In 2022, she was awarded outstanding overseas returnee by Forbes China.

  • Yang You (Curator, Director, X Museum)

    Yang You

    Curator, Director, X Museum


    Mr. You Yang focuses on the development and integration of urban and consumer culture, and is keen on exploring collaborative research projects across cultural fields, public art projects, and government collaborations. He has published over a hundred thematic articles, magazine columns, and publications. Currently, Mr. You Yang serves as a member of the Innovation and Development Committee of the Democratic League Beijing Municipal Committee, a member of the Art Committee of the Beijing 798 Art Zone, a distinguished researcher at the New Art Museum Studies Center of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and a consultant for government and corporate cultural projects. He also supports and participates in various art philanthropy projects across China. Mr. You Yang graduated with a PhD in Art Theory from the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

  • YingJie Chen (Artist, YingJie Chen)

    YingJie Chen

    Artist, YingJie Chen

    Born in Guangdong, China in 1991, Chen Yingjie is an artist who works with various mediums, including easel painting, large-scale murals, live performances, and space installations. Starting from Chinese ink painting, through the exploration of materials and forms of creation, he strives to achieve a balance among different styles of cultures. By breaking free from cultural constraints, he seeks to delve into the transcendent space between tradition and street spirit, conveying the evolving nature of traditional Chinese culture in the contemporary era. His works are widely exhibited, such as in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Europe and America, and are collected by important organizations and institutions. Chen was listed as one of the "25 Contemporary Chinese Artists You Need to know" by American magazine Complex, and was selected as one of the "100 Most Influential Chinese" by Forbes China in 2023.
