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Registration on this page doesn't mean you are registered for CIIE. To apply for the CIIE badge, you will have to go through the CIIE official portal of registration. Please check out the "Visitor Badge" section for the guide of badge application. Submission deadline is October 20.


美国食品与农业馆位于1.1A6-02,展台面积超过 240 平方米,由来自州政府、国家级农产品协会、食品出口、制造、包装等 14家参展商组成。本次参展商包括爱达荷州、华盛顿州、加州葡萄酒协会、美国肉类出口协会、美国禽蛋出口协会、美国稻米协会、美国干豆&扁豆、美国马铃薯协会、美国棉花协会、恒通资源、莫顿盐业、希悦尔、马拉松参业、RAD酒业等。产品涵盖牛肉、红酒、马铃薯、棉花、大米、干豆、花旗参、宠物食品等。展馆旨在支持更多美国农产品对华出口并加强两国商业联系。欢迎来美国食品与农业馆参观!

Building on the success of last year, AmCham Shanghai and the USDA are once again partnering to launch the American Food & Agriculture Pavilion at the 7th Annual China International Import Expo (CIIE).

The pavilion is located at 1.1A6-02 and covers over 240 square meters with 14 exhibitors ranging from state representatives, national trade associations, food manufacturers, and export packaging companies. This year, the exhibitors include State of Idaho, State of Washington, California Wine Institute, US Meat Export Federation (USMEF), US Poultry & Egg Export Council (USAPEEC), USA Rice Federation, US Dry Pea & Lentil, Potatoes USA, Cotton Council International, Hang Tung Resources, Morton Salt, Sealed Air, Marathon Ginseng and RAD Beverage. Showcased products include beef, wine, potatoes, cotton, rice, dry peas, ginseng, and pet food. AmCham Shanghai hopes that the pavilion will support more US exports to China and stronger commercial ties. We welcome members who are visiting CIIE this year to stop by.


National Exhibition and Convention Center
Songze Avenue No. 333
Shanghai, China

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to ruby.zhu@amcham-shanghai.org

Organizers and Exhibitors