
Given the increasing complexity of doing business globally and the enhanced regulatory environment in China, organizations have to contend with a wide range of issues to ensure that they can continue to operate smoothly and without additional scrutiny from stakeholders. Foreign companies operating in China, for example, must factor reputational protection into compliance work to avoid potential problems. To understand the potential reputational risks that come from internal channels, as well as related compliance issues and how and what to do to prevent them or to respond if they should occur, AmCham Shanghai's Legal and Marketing & Media committees invite you to a presentation and panel discussion on Tuesday, December 5, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.

This event, suitable for mid- to senior-level legal, compliance, reputation, and corporate communication professionals, will be moderated by the former China head of two overseas-listed companies and will feature legal and reputation management experts.


15:00 Networking and Registration

15:15 Introduction

15:20 Legal Expert Sharing

15:35 Reputation Expert Sharing

15:50 Discussion and Q&A

16:30 End


  • Linda Du (Reputation Expert) (Founder & CEO of Wehour)

    Linda Du (Reputation Expert)

    Founder & CEO of Wehour

    Linda DU is the founder and CEO of Wehour. She has over 25 years of experience in managing public affairs, corporate, social media and crisis communications in the China, Asia, Europe and North America regions.

    Prior to founding Wehour, Ms. Du was the China General Manager of APCO Worldwide. She has extensive experience in helping multinational companies at all stages of investment to build, promote and protect their brand reputation in China. Besides providing public affairs and strategic communications counselling to clients, Ms. Du also acted as APCO Worldwide’s leading trainer in the region, having led over 100 media, government affairs, crisis trainings as well as strategic communications workshops for business leaders in China and North America.

    Prior to joining APCO, she was General Manager of financial communications and corporate advisory initiatives at MSL China. She helped the firm expand its corporate communications practice in Shanghai and built strong financial and crisis communications capabilities in the region.

    Before joining MSL, Ms. Du worked at Yahoo!, based at its Silicon Valley headquarters for almost six years, leading its international communication efforts in over 20 global markets. Prior to that, Ms. Du worked at Amazon in Seattle and two leading global agencies, Fleishman-Hilliard and APCO Worldwide in Beijing.

    In 2016, Ms. Du was recognized as one of “The Top 10 Communication Executives of the Year” by Dandelion

    Ms. Du holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Washington in Seattle.

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  • Qiao Peng (Legal and Compliance Expert) (Partner at R&P China Lawyers)

    Qiao Peng (Legal and Compliance Expert)

    Partner at R&P China Lawyers

    Qiao has law degrees from Chongqing’s Southwest University of Political Science (LLB) and the University of Iowa (LLM), and started her career as a public prosecutor at the People's Procuratorate in Guangdong. She then worked for leading national law firm Jun He Law Offices and international law firm Simmons & Simmons LLP, before moving inhouse to Astra Zeneca as Senior Global Investigations Director. In 2020 she joined R&P China Lawyers as Partner.

    Qiao has been focusing on China-related compliance matters for more than 15 years and is recognized as an expert in China. Combining her many years of experience as a prosecutor, inhouse and in private practice, Qiao is uniquely positioned to handle internal investigations and deal with compliance issues relating to Chinese corruption, anti-bribery and unfair competition legislation, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), as well as the UK Anti-Bribery Act. Besides corruption, her cases also frequently involve fraud, self-dealing, bullying, sexual harassment and other compliance issues.

    Qiao’s daily work involves assessing and building internal control systems for clients with a focus on compliance control mechanisms, drafting relevant internal policies and providing compliance trainings, executing compliance investigations, dealing with labor dispute of senior executives arising from internal investigations. Qiao supports clients to communicate with Chinese law enforcement and other government authorities etc. regarding compliance issues, and acts as direct contact to the SEC, DOJ and other foreign government departments.

    As a prosecutor, Qiao prosecuted over 100 cases involving serious crimes, giving her an expert understanding of China's judicial system. As a lawyer she has supported extensively on criminal cases, representing domestic and foreign companies and individuals in connection with professional embezzlement, tax evasion, fraud, smuggling, unfair competition and other white-collar crimes, advising businesses on corresponding civil, administrative, and criminal liabilities.

    In addition to corporate compliance, Qiao also advises and represents multinational companies, state- owned enterprises, domestic enterprises, and high net worth individuals in litigation, arbitration and criminal cases all over China; and she supports Chinese clients in disputes outside China, where necessary coordinating with international counsel.

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  • Ian Anderson (Moderator) (Consultant and former China head at two overseas-listed companies.)

    Ian Anderson (Moderator)

    Consultant and former China head at two overseas-listed companies.

    Ian Anderson, a UK national and a graduate of Cambridge University, is a recently retired senior executive with 45 years of commercial and general management experience in the international chemical industry. He has lived and worked in Shanghai since 2014 as China Managing Director of two multinational chemical companies; one in manufacturing, one in distribution. Prior to moving to China, Ian was CCO and VP EMEA/N America of a UK listed plc and a director of their JVs in Egypt, Finland, and Saudi Arabia. He has recently retired from full-time corporate employment to pursue a third age career in China in consultancy and coaching. He also sits on the Advisory Board of IMA Asia.

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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower

No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Jean-Yves Lavoie

Contact Organizer

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