Event Details
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Shanghai Communique, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, the National Committee on United States-China Relations, and the Committee of 100 welcome members to attend a half-day forum on the morning of February 25 (Shanghai time) at Hyatt on the Bund. Leading diplomats, China-based American CEOs, and academics will examine how people-to-people relations, business cooperation and diplomats have influenced the U.S.-China relationship and how bi-lateral relations will evolve in the next 50 years. Members are welcome to attend in person or virtually.
The webinar is open to the public for registration.
为纪念" 中美联合公报 "发表50周年,上海美国商会携手美中关系全国委员和百人会将于2022年2月25日在上海外滩茂悦酒店举办论坛和展览。届时来自政界,商界、学术和政府智库的代表将讨论美中关系对商界的影响, 演讲者还会就未来50年中美两国关系的走向提供见解。欢迎会员报名线下及线上会议。