
Content is king, this has been an undeniable fact among today's marketers. What often neglected is how we store and reuse the content after we've put in a significant amount of resources in content development and translation. This presentation will touch on some issues in big-scale, multi-language content production and the tools used to reduce content production cost and improve process. Specifically, the use of database and templating to maximize content value will be discussed. We will also look at some examples on how old content can be used to train AI models that create content for your brand the smart way.


  • Joy Chang (Senior Content Strategist at Alibaba Group)

    Joy Chang

    Senior Content Strategist at Alibaba Group

    Joy Chang is senior content strategist at Alibaba Group. She works on content strategy and management for AliExpress, Alibaba’s main cross-border business-to-consumer business. Joy is tasked with improving the localization processes and user experience using the latest tools and technologies while managing the overall brand voice and tone for both user and seller facing content. Prior to joining Alibaba, she worked for over three years at CFE Media & CFE Technology, a business-to-business ad-tech solution firm in Chicago. Joy has a master’s degree in journalism and mass communications from the University of Iowa. She is an avid learner in human-computer interactions and new content technologies.

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  • Morgan Gallup Zhu (Director of Asia Pacific)

    Morgan Gallup Zhu

    Director of Asia Pacific

    Morgan works with enterprises who need to localize and translate their brand assets quickly when they go global. She helps them leverage best practices, including translation database technology, from some of the world's most successful brands. Morgan speaks Mandarin and has lived in Nanjing, China since 2007. Morgan is originally from the state of Michigan in the United States. She launched the China Chapter of Women in Localization in 2015 which currently has 300+ members across China.

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