
As the number of China-based foreign operations continues to grow, so does awareness around the need for ethical values and practices in business. While foreign companies typically adopt their HQ-derived governance and ethics to the local environment, doing so poses a challenge. Ethical values and practices are deeply rooted in a country's philosophical and cultural heritage and social order, which can often differ from those of a corporation's home country. Does this create a dilemma for multinational enterprises operating in China? And if so, which ethics – Eastern or Western - should be adopted? Are ethical values universal, or should some values be preferred over others?

Listen to experts answer these questions and offer solutions, and join an active discussion around the topic at AmCham Shanghai's roundtable event. This discussion will help you understand how to implement an effective strategy to develop your corporate culture and leadership. After an introduction that highlights the different approaches in the East vs. West, a panel [KM1] including Dr. Peter S. Hofman, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance at Nottingham University Business School China, Professor PingpingFu, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China) and Dr Jianzhong, Lu, China President of Weir Group, and Boon Kim Fam, vice chair of AmCham Shanghai Ethics and Compliance Committee will share their research, insights and strategies before opening the floor to active audience Q&A.

This is a brown bag lunch event.


12:00 Registration

12:28 Opening

12:30 Presentation 1 – The application of traditional Chinese philosophies in modern business management and their implications for ethical compliance by Prof. Fu

12:45 Presentation 2- Understanding Chinese CSR from a Western perspective by Prof. Hofman

13:00 Panel discussion

13:30 Ends


  • Pingping Fu (Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Nottingham University Business School China)

    Pingping Fu

    Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Nottingham University Business School China

    Professor Pingping Fu is currently a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China). She obtained her Ph.D. in Organizational Studies at the State University at Albany, New York. She has an MBA from the University of Nevada, Reno, MA in Journalism from the Academy of Social Sciences in China, and MA in Philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her BA was in English Literature from Hangzhou University.
    Professor Fu has taught courses in the management area for students at different levels, as well as training classes for various companies. For research, she was a member of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavioral Effectiveness (GLOBE) research project team between 1997 and 2017, and was a member of the GLOBE board between 2010 and 2017. She has led a dozen research projects supported by grants from the Hong Kong government; and is a coinvestigator of multiple CNSFC-sponsored projects. Her works have been published in various journals, including the Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Applied Psychology.
    In recent years, she has been studying companies that apply traditional philosophies to executive leadership, examining how they build company cultures that make employees happy while sustaining company businesses. Together with her team, she is trying very hard to develop humanistic leadership. She has established a China Chapter under Humanistic Management Network. Recently, she and her colleagues edited a Special Issue on Humanistic Leadership under Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management Journal.

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  • Peter Hofman (Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance at Nottingham University Business School China)

    Peter Hofman

    Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance at Nottingham University Business School China

    Dr. Peter S. Hofman is Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance at Nottingham University Business School China. He received his PhD in Management and Governance at the University of Twente in the Netherlands and has lived and worked in China since 2009.
    His research broadly covers business-government-society interaction in the areas of sustainability and innovation from a policy as well as business perspective. Recent work develops our understanding of the distinct nature of corporate social responsibility within China related to its specific institutional context and cultural background. Ongoing research focuses on the relationship between corporate governance, long-term orientation of firms and sustainable innovation. Prof Hofman is on the editorial board of Asian Business & Management.
    Prof. Hofman previously was a Director at Cyclus consultancy and a consultant for various international and local firms in the Netherlands in the areas of cleaner production, environmental management and corporate social responsibility. His consulting experience ranges from manufacturing industry to construction, education and healthcare. He also was involved in the evaluation of various technology policy programmes and environmental policy programmes of the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Environmental Affairs in the Netherlands and was an advisor to the National Energy Council of the Netherlands.

    In China, he was an international expert for a project of the Asian Development Bank and the Development Research Center of the State Council of China on improving energy efficiency in the Chinese manufacturing industry. He also was an international member of a policy study on Corporate Social Responsibility for Green Development for the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development.

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  • Boon Kim Fam (Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance and Privacy, Asia Pacific at PVH Corp)

    Boon Kim Fam

    Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance and Privacy, Asia Pacific at PVH Corp

    Boon Kim Fam (Kim) is currently the Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance, Asia Pacific for PVH Corp, the parent company of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger. She has over 17 years’ legal and compliance experience in Europe and Asia, gained in US law firms, the US and China-listed companies, as well as both the UK and Malaysian central government. Kim has the cultural sensitivity, technical expertise, and sound international outlook to seamlessly translate a Global Compliance program to effectively obtain buy-in from senior leaders and key business partners. Kim is passionate about business-driven compliance, and constantly identifies opportunities to inspire senior leaders to become Ethical champions. Kim was shortlisted for the category of Compliance Officer of the Year, Women in Compliance Awards 2020, a prestigious global award organized by C5 Communications Ltd, London to celebrate and honor women in Compliance.

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  • Joanne Wood (Founder, Chairman of Capital Eight)

    Joanne Wood

    Founder, Chairman of Capital Eight

    Joanne has over 15 years of M&A practice with UBS, Jardine Fleming and GE Capital. In the 1990s she achieved international ranking as a leading Asia-emerging markets financial advisor. At Jardine Fleming, Joanne was a member of the first dedicated team of M&A professionals in Asia. She lists many Fortune 500, FTSE 100 and Sino 400 entities amongst her previous clients and is also fluent in Mandarin.

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