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Tuesday, July 25, 2017 (8:45 AM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8

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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

Suite 568, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai, China

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More and more HR professionals emphasize the important of data management. But most people just summarize the existing data without digging deeper and predicting results - therefore, it is difficult for data management to influence business decisions; communication between business departments appears to be inadequate.

Our course will show you how to build a scientific and reasonable HR business data management system, how to manage basic data, how to analyze business problems and how to estimate business trends. Supported by a powerful data system, you can easily deal with all kinds of HR changes, be confident in business communications, look far and aim high to make business decisions.

越来越多的 HR 把数据管理放在重要的地位。但是很多人往往仅对已发生的数据进行简单汇总统计,缺少对数据的深入挖掘和预测分析。因此很难真正对业务决策产生更深远的影响,在对各业务部门的沟通过程中往往显得力不从心。我们的课程将和您分享如何科学合理的建立属于 HR 自己的业务数据管理体系,帮您了解如何管理基础数据、如何分析业务问题以及如何进行业务走势预测。在强大的数据体系支持下,您可以从容的应对各种人事变化,充满自信的进行业务沟通,高瞻远瞩的进行业务决策分析,让您的工作步入真正的数据化道路。

