
With 889 million engaged users monthly and a total revenue increase of 48% YoY, learn the newest trends to stay ahead of Tencent WeChat and take home a piece of the pie. AmCham Shanghai’s Marketing & Media Committee How-To Series invites members to participate in a knowledge sharing session determined to provide unique insights on saturated industry topics.

Today you may have already used WeChat to pay for a coffee, read an industry article, contribute to a group chat, transfer a file to a colleague, shop online, peruse your networks moments…WeChat is no longer a communication app, it is a fast evolving Echosystem of individuals, start-up brands and high-end corporate gurus alike. Learn secrets on how you can get the most out of this platform now and continue to stay one-step ahead of the game.

If you have a basic understanding of WeChat marketing and want to take it to the next level with a fresh look at optimizing your strategy, don't miss out on this May How-To Series, which will cover:

• What is your content strategy actually saying about your brand?
• Best practices for the platform told through innovative case studies on companies that pushed beyond raising engagement numbers and toward a measurable increase in sales.
• Social marketing maturity and how to utilize data analytics, segmentation and tags to truly understand the everyday WeChat junkie.


8:00 AM - 8:15 AM
8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Speaker Presentations
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Q&A and Closing Remarks
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Networking and Event Ends


  • Eric Xiao (Marketing Director of PwC)

    Eric Xiao

    Marketing Director of PwC

    As a well-balanced team leader of around 40 members from all over the world, Eric Xiao has been inspiring and motivating a star marketing team in PwC China Firm, one of the largest accounting firms in the world. With a solid financial/consulting background, he has over 16 years of professional experience in marketing & communications. He is an expert in crisis management, who initiated the social media strategy in China for PwC on Weibo, WeChat and LinkedIn. Recently the social media campaign he led in China became one of the Finalist Winners of Asia Pacific Excellence Awards 2016 – Best Social Media Campaign.

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  • Joseph Leveque (Managing Partner at 31 Ten)

    Joseph Leveque

    Managing Partner at 31 Ten

    Through co-founding the 31Ten digital agency, Joseph has combined his experience as a corporate strategy consultant for fortune 500 companies with his passion for digital and entrepreneurship. He now helps businesses to grow and scale on the Chinese market through digital transformation, by constantly exploring the latest opportunities, tools, and frameworks emerging technologies can offer.

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  • Aaron Chang (CEO and Founder)

    Aaron Chang

    CEO and Founder

    Aaron is CEO and Founder of JINGdigital which builds technology that helps brands create personal connection with their customers on WeChat. His career began in advertising in New York with McCann Erickson in direct marketing before he found his true calling in the web during the dot com boom in Seattle. Aaron moved to Shanghai in 2006 and founded ACHANG webdev, a web development agency that worked with hundreds of brands and startups. In 2013 he launched JINGdigital to focus on the unique challenges of marketing in China and built JINGsocial, a leading WeChat marketing automation and analytics platform used by innovative multi-national brands.

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