This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.
This forum is reserved for corporate in-house practitioners and limted to 15 seats only. If your company is involved in this industry or job function area, please e-mail or contact 512-6999-5295 for more details on how to attend.

Who should attend?
  • HR management practitioners only: HR manager/director, HRBP, function manager

AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to join in our monthly HR Management Forum to be held on Wednesday, May 31 from 14:30-16:30 at our Suzhou Center office. Helena Zhang, Senior Labor Litigator of JunHe LLP will facilitate a roundtable discussion on the topic of Mitigating Risk During Employee Disputes and will share recent case studies.

Key points to be discussed include:
  1. Labor law updates on company’s legal obligations regarding terminating employees
  2. Risks for company on terminating employees
  3. Best practices sharing on safeguards for company to take when
  • The termination turns bad
  • The employee has threat to the physical security of other employees
  • The employee has access to critical information of the company and has threat to the IP security
4. Case studies sharing

  • 企业内部人力资源经理、总监、合伙人、助理经理、人力资源部门专项业务经理


  • 劳动法中关于公司在解雇员工时的法律义务的相关条款更新
  • 公司解雇员工时存在的风险
  • 在下列情况下保障公司安全的最佳措施
  1. 解雇不顺利
  2. 被解雇员工对其他员工的人身安全存在威胁
  3. 被解雇员工拥有获得公司关键信息的权限并对知识产权存在威胁
  • 案例解析


AmCham Shanghai YRD Center Suzhou Office
Suzhou International Financial Centre, Room 803-A Building 24 Times Square, Huachi Street
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


See route

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