
Do your leaders know how to unleash their teams’ best contributions toward their organization’s most critical priorities?
The transition from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Worker Age has resulted in four chronic problems faced by today’s leaders. These include: trust in leaders at historic lows; strategic uncertainty; an ominous shortage of experienced leadership; and the war on talent. Today’s leaders must be able to see their people as “holistic people”— body, heart, mind, and spirit—and lead accordingly. As a result, leaders spend their efforts creating a place where people want to stay and where they are able to offer their best, time and time again.

In this half-day training, you will be able to acknowledge:
Great leaders can be defined as having these four imperatives:
  • Imperative 1: Inspire Trust—to build credibility as a leader, so people will trust you with their utmost efforts.
  • Imperative 2: Clarify Purpose—to define a clear and compelling purpose that people will want to achieve.
  • Imperative 3: Align Systems—to create systems of success that support the purpose and goals of the organisation, enable people to do their best work, operate independently, and endure overtime work.
  • Imperative 4: Unleash Talent—to develop a winning team, where people’s unique talents are leveraged against clear performance expectations in a way that encourages responsibility and growth.


  • 天职一:激发信任—建立信任,这样人们才愿意付出最大努力。
  • 天职二:明确目标—设立人人都愿意为之付出最大努力的清晰目标
  • 天职三:整合体系—成功的系统及流程能推动实现组织目标、激励员工的最佳表现,员工不会介意加班,而你也不必事必躬亲。
  • 天职四:释放潜能—建立成功的团队,激发员工独特的才能、勇气和责任心, 实现卓越的个人发展和工作绩效。

Who should attend?

  • Training Directors/Managers and HR Directors/Managers
  • Senior and junior executives at multinational organizations who are searching for solutions when trying to manage company staff in order to have a deeper insight into managing people more efficiently

  • 企业的人力资源总监/经理或培训发展总监/经理
  • 寻求提高员工及自身工作效能的外企经理人 


13:00 Registration & Networking
13:15 Session
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Session
17:00 Session Ends


  • Henry He

    Henry He

    Henry He is the senior training facilitator and management consultant for FranklinCovey China. He consults with companies and delivers Leadership and Management workshops around China. Prior to FranklinCovey, Henry worked with Coca-Cola China for nearly 15 years. He was not only good at training needs analysis, training program development, in-house training, on-the-job coaching, training evaluation and talent assessment, but also had deep understanding and experience in building a learning system in an international organization. Mr. He also had rich experience in strategy development, business planning and field operation. When he held the position as the company’s strategic project development director, he became much more familiar with sales and distribution systems, consumer and trade marketing, market development in FMCG industry, as well as team management. The clients Mr. He has worked with are Coca-Cola China, Howard Johnson, Oracle, Cisco, AstraZeneca, Roche, Zegna, Fiat Chrysler, China Mobile, Siemens, Ping An Bank and more. With intelligent and precise training style, Mr. He is good at applying considerable case studies to enhance learning points in the trainings. Provoking audiences’ deep thinking and focusing on mind and behavior change are main features of Henry’s training work.

    何煜先生是富兰克林柯维FranklinCovey的资深培训讲师和咨询顾问。他负责为客户讲授管理和领导力培训课程和提供管理咨询服务。加入 FranklinCovey 之前,何先生拥有近15年的可口可乐中国区职业生涯。何先生不但对培训需求研究、课程开发设计、课堂培训、在岗辅导、培训跟踪评估和人才测评方面十分擅长,同时对搭建学习型组织培训策略和体系有深刻理解和实践。何先生还拥有丰富的业务策略规划和营运执行经验,在担任中国区总部和区域的策略项目开发经理和业务策略项目发展总监期间,亲身操作业务营运,在业务系统发展,市场开发和团队管理方面积累了大量的实际管理经验,帮助公司各业务区域在中国多地建立和完善了分销系统。何先生的主要客户包括可口可乐中国、豪生酒店集团、甲骨文、思科(Cisco)、阿斯利康制药、罗氏制药、杰尼亚、克莱斯勒、中国移动、西门子、平安银行等等。何先生培训风格睿智严谨,逻辑脉络清晰,善于运用大量案例,深入浅出极富感染力激发学员深层思考和关注听众心智和行为的改变,是何煜先生培训课程的特点。

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Member Ticket
Member Price RMB 360
Member Price (Pay at the door) RMB 360
Employee Ticket
Standard Price RMB 650
Door Price RMB 650


  • All registrations shall be made online before the session. For full-day sessions, payment also shall be made before the session.
  • For half-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend free of charge with Training Credit*; AmCham Shanghai members without Training Credit are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at "Employee Rate".
  • For full-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at “Employee Rate”; Non-members are eligible to attend at “Non-Member Rate”.
  • Limited spaces are available and attendance will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Members please bring your membership card and non-members bring your business card upon check-in at the training session.
Walk-in and Cancellation Policy
  • This session requires confirmation of attendance in advance. If you attend this session without prior registration, you will be charged an RMB50 "walk-in" fee as member and RMB100 as employee.
  • Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration for a half-day session, please notify Kelly Deng at (86 21) 6279 7119 ext. 4580 or email Kelly.deng@amcham-shanghai.org no less than 24 hours in advance. If you need to cancel your registration for a full-day session, please notify Kelly Deng at least two weeks prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.
  • To ensure that you have a seat, please come to the session on time. Open seats will be released to other guests 15 minutes after the session starts.
*What is Training Credit?
As an extra offer to all AmCham Shanghai members, each member will be granted with ONE Training Credit with their valid membership term. Members are able to use the Training Credit to register for the training session they are interested in, free of charge. The Training Credit can only be used by the member him/herself. The Training Credit is not transferrable or refundable for cash.