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AmCham ShanghaiSuzhou Center cordially invites you to join us on Thursday, June 29 from 14:00 to 16:00 at the Hyatt Regency Suzhou to hear from the details about the Suzhou “263” Action Plan – a key initiative for the Suzhou Municipal Government to fight against environment pollution, as well as its impacts for U.S. business community in the Suzhou Municipality.

The session begins with a brief introduction for the Action Plan and followed with 2 panels which will include representatives Suzhou Municipal Government Authorities and will dive into detailed questions concerning the U.S. business community in Suzhou regarding the Action Plan.

Who should attend?
  • Plant Manager/Operation Director
  • EHS Manager/Facility Manager
  • Government Affairs Manager
  • HR Manager who is responsible for EHS

About “263” Action Plan:
“263” is a key initiative for the Suzhou Municipal Government to fight against environment pollution. Click here to view the details about the action plan. The action plan includes below key focuses:
  • 2 Reduction: Coal Consumption, Backward Production Capacity
  • 6 Governance: Taihu Lake, Hazardous Waste, Black-Odor River, VOC, Livestock Breeding Pollution, Environment Risk
  • 3 Improvement: Ecological Protection, Law Enforcement and Supervision, Economic Regulating

About the Speakers and Panelists:
  • Jiang Meng, Deputy Director, Office for Suzhou “263” Action Plan Leading Group
  • Representative from the Suzhou Municipal Environment Protection Bureau
  • Representative from the Suzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission
  • Representative from the Suzhou Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission
  • Representative from the Suzhou Work Safety Bureau

About the Moderator:
  • Catherine Zhou, Managing Director, EcoKMC (Beijing) New Material & Vice Chair for AmCham Shanghai Environmental Committee
  • Evan Wang, HSE Manager, Smith & Nephew Medical (Suzhou) & Vice Chair for AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Environment Health & Safety Alliance

For event information, please contact:
Alex Jin, Deputy Chief Representative, Suzhou Center
T: (86 512) 6296-0132


  • 工厂长/运营总监
  • EHS经理/设施经理
  • 政府事务经理
  • 负责EHS工作的人力资源经理

  • 两减:削减煤炭消费总量、减少落后化工产能
  • 六治:太湖流域水环境治理、危险废物治理、黑臭水体治理、畜禽养殖污染及农业面源污染治理、挥发性有机物污染治理、环境隐患治理
  • 三提升:提升生态保护水平、提升环境经济政策调控水平、提升环境执法监管水平

  • 苏州“263”行动计划领导小组专职副主任蒋勐先生
  • 苏州市环保局分管处室负责人
  • 苏州市发改委分管处室负责人
  • 苏州市经信委分管处室负责人
  • 苏州市安监局分管处室负责人

  • ​​​铠美创(北京)新材料有限公司董事总经理、上海美国商会环境行业分会副主席周清理女士​
  • 施乐辉医用产品(苏州)有限责任公司HSE经理、上海美国商会苏州环境健康安全联盟副主席王圣辉先生

如有意了解更多活动信息,请联系上海美国商会苏州中心副首席代表金俊,电话:(86 512) 6296-0132,邮箱:


Hyatt Regency Suzhou
#88 Huachi Street Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


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