This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.
This event is for member company finance practitioner only and confirmation of attendance is subject to AmCham staff’s approval. Limited to 15 seats. One seat per company. First come, first served. Card holding Finance Management has the first priority to register.

To facilitate the opening-up of the economy, China’s State Council has issued a circular in early January this year stating the government’s intentions to further open the economy and boost foreign investment. The circular is part of the effort to build China’s so-called “new open economic system”, with measures focusing on streamlining government administration, improving regulations, and reducing institutional transaction costs to create a favorable business environment for foreign investment. There are 2 specific action items for State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) to further boost the foreign investment. To learn more about the circular, click here.
AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to join in our monthly Finance Management Forum to be held on Wednesday, April 19 from 15:00-16:00 at the SAFE Suzhou Branch Office. The representatives from SAFE Suzhou Branch will facilitate a discussion on foreign exchange regulation updates with key initiatives to boost the foreign investment.

Key points to be discussed include:
  • Reform of the Centralized Operation and Management of Foreign Exchange Funds of Multinational Companies
  • Regulatory Regime of Foreign Debt for Foreign Investment Companies
  • Case Studies Sharing




  • 外资跨国公司本外币资金集中运营管理改革
  • 外商投资企业外债管理制度更新
  • 具体案例分享


SAFE Suzhou Branch
#59 Shishan Road, Suzhou New District
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

See route

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