
上海美国商会商贸投资中心诚邀您参加10月16日 - 10月17日(周三-周四)浙江舟山商务考察:第7届世界油商大会。此次活动将以"构建全球大宗商品合作伙伴关系"为主题,以高层对话和专题会议为核心,聚焦能源化工石油等产业,深化国际能源合作。届时,国内外大宗商品行业头部企业,以及金融、航运、交易、信息咨询等国内外行业巨头将齐聚一堂,共商油气、共享机遇、共谋发展。除活动以外,参会者将有机会与省市等领导进行面对面交流,参与各类专题会议,获取区域相关的投资发展信息。

如有问题请联系:sherry.zhao@amcham-shanghai.org / 6169-3033

  • 本活动提供落地接待,并提供上海往返舟山的交通(大巴)。
  • 本活动仅对浙江舟山重点发展产业相关外资企业(能源、化工、石油、金属、矿石、大宗商品、贸易等)的管理人员(高级经理及以上级别)开放,每家公司限1名代表参会。报名均需通过政府审核,审核通过后您将收到一封美商会发出的最终确认邮件。
  • 由于名额有限,上海美国商会保留最终确认的权利。





上午 第7届世界油商大会

下午 返程上海



下午 专题会议、推介会议、商务酒会






AmCham Shanghai's Trade & Investment Center invites you to join our Business Delegation to Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province: the 7th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprises Conference (IPEC), from October 16 to 17 (Wednesday-Thursday). Under the theme "Building Global Partnerships on Commodities", the event will focus on the industries such as energy, chemical, petroleum and etc. and deepen international energy cooperation through high-level dialogues and thematic sessions.

Attendees will visit the IPEC, have face-to-face talks with both provincial and municipal leaders from Zhejiang Province and Zhoushan City, and participate in various thematic sessions, to further understand the region's current foreign investment and trading outlook.

For questions please contact: sherry.zhao@amcham-shanghai.org / 6169-3033


  • Accommodation and meals will be provided. Standard roundtrip bus will be offered as well.
  • This event only opens to management personnel (senior manager & above) from Zhoushan's key industries (energy, chemicals, petroleum, metals, ores, commodities, trading and etc.), and is limited to 1 representative per company. All registrations will have to wait to be approved by the government, and a confirmation email will be sent out by AmCham after final approval.
  • Seats are limited; the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai reserves the right of final confirmation.

Main Agenda:


Registration, Zhoushan Commodity Industry Exhibition, Business Banquet, etc.


AM The 7th IPEC

PM Back to Shanghai

Optional Agenda:


PM Thematic Sessions, Promotion Events, Business Reception (Banquet)


Industrial Parks Tour

The 7th IPEC:

As a highly influential conference in China in the commodity sector such as oil and gas, the International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprises Conference (IPEC) adheres to high standards and seeks to create an international, specialized brand and an industry conference where companies can explore cooperation opportunities and bring about substantive results. It is committed to becoming a global oil and gas industry cooperation platform, an industry summit, and a promotional event for the entire oil and gas industry value chain in the Zhejiang FTZ.


Zhoushan International Conference Center

Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Zhoushan, Zhejiang

If you have any questions please contact Sherry Zhao

Contact Organizer

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