• Please provide your full name, company name, job title, and work email for registration.  AmCham Shanghai reserves the right to decline any non-member registrations with missing information.

Member Ticket

Member Price

AmCham Shanghai Card-holding Mmeber

  • Member PricePrice:Complimentary
Reserve Ticket

Member Company Employee Ticket

Public Price

If your company has completed the survey, please choose this ticket.

  • Public PricePrice:Complimentary
Reserve Ticket

Member Company Employee Ticket

Public Price

If your company does not complete the survey, please choose this ticket.

  • Public PricePrice:RMB 200
Buy Ticket

Non-Member Ticket

Public Price

If your company has completed the survey, please choose this ticket.

  • Public PricePrice:RMB 280
Buy Ticket

Non-member Ticket

Public Price

If your company does not complete the survey, please choose this ticket.

  • Public PricePrice:RMB 500
Buy Ticket