
We are thrilled to invite you to the highly anticipated UBC IMBA Recruitment Event, taking place on November 12th. This event promises to be an enlightening exploration of the dynamic world of business education, creativity, and innovation, and will be headlined by none other than our esteemed Dean, Dr. Darren Dahl. With a fervor for cutting-edge insights into the global business landscape, we're excited to offer a glimpse into the transformational experience that awaits prospective students at the UBC Sauder School of Business.

2023年11月12日(周日)下午14:00-17:00,上海交大-UBC国际MBA项目(简称UBC IMBA)将在上海举办公开课活动暨项目宣讲会。UBC Sauder商学院的院长Dr. Darren Dahl将为大家带来两节公开课,分别是《创意大师课》和《案例实战》。

UBC IMBA一直以来致力于培养全球化的商业领袖,欢迎报名本次公开课活动,了解国际商业管理的前沿领域,探索在不断变化的全球商业环境中成功的关键因素。

Agenda highlights:

  • Sample Lecture by Dr. Darren Dahl, Dean of UBC Sauder

Session 1: Creativity Masterclass | 创意大师课

Business has become a complex and ever-changing world. As such, organizations are seeing the value of creativity and innovation in meeting the challenges that change brings. As an individual, how do you foster creativity? How do organizations build an innovative culture? Learn from Darren to unleash your creative potential.

Session 2: Case Strategy | 案例实战

The Case method is a common approach to learning in MBA programs around the world. Darren will explain why this approach is so effective an important in the MBA experience. He will utilize a practice case on the brand Starbucks to demonstrate how cases can provide deep learning and provide takeaways that can be practically applied in business.

  • Alumni Panel Discussion

The event will also feature a panel of UBC IMBA alumni who have successfully navigated the program and gone on to excel in diverse fields. This segment promises to provide invaluable perspectives and firsthand accounts of the transformative power of UBC's IMBA program.

此次活动还将邀请杰出的UBC IMBA校友,为我们提供宝贵的观点和第一手经验,展示UBC IMBA项目的职场跃级力量。


1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Check-in and Networking
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
UBC IMBA Program Overview
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Lecture 1: Creativity Masterclass
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Alumni Panel Discussion
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Lecture 2: Case Methodology
4:15 PM - 4:35 PM
Application Strategies
4:35 PM - 5:00 PM
Q&A and Mixer


  • Dr. Darren Dahl (Dean at UBC Sauder School of Business)

    Dr. Darren Dahl

    Dean at UBC Sauder School of Business

    Darren is the Dean of the UBC Sauder School of Business and an Innovate BC Professor. He’s globally recognized for his work in strategic marketing, entrepreneurship, creativity and social influence. Dahl is an award-winning academic who is a past recipient of the Killam Research Prize and the 3M Teaching Fellowship, and in 2015 he was ranked as the #1 professor worldwide for marketing research by the American Marketing Association. He also consults widely for multinational corporations such as Procter & Gamble, General Electric, Lululemon and Xerox.

    UBC Sauder商学院院长
    Innovate BC Professor

    view more
  • Rodrigo Porto (Director, Recruitment & Admissions of UBC Sauder School of Business)

    Rodrigo Porto

    Director, Recruitment & Admissions of UBC Sauder School of Business

  • Amethyst Chen (IMBA Manager, Recruitment & Admissions at UBC Sauder School of Business)

    Amethyst Chen

    IMBA Manager, Recruitment & Admissions at UBC Sauder School of Business


*Spotlight Sessions are sponsored marketing events. Event sponsors have the right to cancel registrations at any time and to determine who may attend the session.  

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Standard Price Complimentary


The UBC International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) is a 20-month, part-time MBA program offered by The University of British Columbia in partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

This unique degree program features world-class UBC faculty, a two-week residency trip to Vancouver, Canada, and gaining learning experiences with a global mindset. Receive a UBC IMBA degree from Canada's leading academic business school and keep your life and career in China.

UBC 国际工商管理硕士 (IMBA) 是一个为期 20 个月的在职 MBA 课程,由 UBC Sauder商学院的Robert H. Lee 研究生院与上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院合作提供,在中国已有20余年的合作办学历史。

UBC IMBA学位项目拥有世界一流的 UBC 师资、为期两周的加拿大温哥华驻地学习旅程,并获得具有全球思维的学习经验。

· 项目亮点:

o UBC Sauder位列加拿大商科类院系第一名,世界范围内排名前4%

o 1对1职业规划指导

o 100% UBC Sauder师资飞赴上海授课

o 1月1次的周末校园授课(上海交大徐汇校区)

o 2周的温哥华本校学习及丰富的海外学习机会

o 加入"全球高端管理联盟"GNAM校友网络


To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org.

Interested in introducing your products or services to AmCham Shanghai members through Spotlight Session? Please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org for detailed information.

What is a Spotlight Session? A Spotlight Session is a promotional platform for companies to introduce products and services to interested AmCham Shanghai members. The sessions are conveniently held at AmCham Shanghai's offices and attendance is FREE.


AmCham Shanghai Conference Center (Xintiandi)

27F, Infinitus Tower

No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District

Shanghai, China

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