


  • 市场现状及国际绿证产品类型——企业如何选择合适的国际绿证产品
  • 国际审计机构在绿证市场的背书角色——为国际绿证提供数据审查与溯源系统鉴证
  • 国际绿证合规风险及案例分享

Foreign enterprises and supply chains in China have many options for implementing ESG standards, including carbon consulting reports, zero carbon certification, green energy trading, domestic green electricity certificates, and international certificates such as Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables and International Renewable Energy Certificates. Businesses are faced with the challenge of achieving maximum ESG compliance in the most efficient way, while also motivating key suppliers to cooperate. This session will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the current market and the best types of renewable energy certificates for your business
  • The role of international audit institutions in providing data auditing and traceability in the renewable energy certificate market
  • Renewable energy certificate compliance risks and case studies


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Check-in and Networking
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Q&A and Follow-up Networking


  • Jian Li (Director of Deloitte China)

    Jian Li

    Director of Deloitte China


    The Director of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Deloitte China, with 11 years of cross-field experience. Before joining Deloitte, he worked at Shanghai Bank and the National Development and Reform Commission, focusing on the dual carbon field.

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  • Tiankuang Pu (Industry Director of Bravowhale Technology)

    Tiankuang Pu

    Industry Director of Bravowhale Technology

    曾就职于用友网络科技股份有限公司 2010-2015年担任高级咨询顾问
    TK worked as a senior consultant in Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. from 2010 to 2015.

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  • Shaokang Zhu (Founder & CEO of Bravowhale Technology)

    Shaokang Zhu

    Founder & CEO of Bravowhale Technology

    2014年创建祺鲲科技,曾服务于IBM 12年,2010年-2013年在IBM担任大中华区云计算及移动互联总经理
    Founded Bravowhale in 2014, 12 years with IBM Greater China Group, and served as the general manager of the Cloud Computing Business Unit from 2010-2013.

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*Spotlight Sessions are sponsored marketing events. Event sponsors have the right to cancel registrations at any time and to determine who may attend the session.  

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Standard Price Complimentary


To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org.

Interested in introducing your products or services to AmCham Shanghai members through Spotlight Session? Please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org for detailed information.

What is a Spotlight Session? A Spotlight Session is a promotional platform for companies to introduce products and services to interested AmCham Shanghai members. The sessions are conveniently held at AmCham Shanghai's offices and attendance is FREE.


AmCham Suzhou Conference Room

Room 2238, 22F Suzhou Modern Media Plaza
#265 Suzhou Avenue East, Suzhou Industrial Park

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

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