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Save the dateMay 16, 20239:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT+8 Add to Calendar
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Shanghai, China

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Contact Person: Ray Cheng


● 掌握Excel使用技巧,改善工作方式,提高工作效率;

● 设计令人赏心悦目的专业数据报表,通过三个以上的函数嵌套解决复杂工作问题;

● 创建"会说话"的专业图表,通过数据透视表随心所欲生成各种报表。

Course Benefits

● Let the trainees master excel skills, and improve the way of working and increase work efficiency;

● Help trainees design pleasing professional data reports and solve complex work problems through nesting of more than three functions;

● Create vivid and talkative professional charts and generate any kind of reports you want from pivot tables;

Session Outline
Session Outline




1. 条件格式

  • 突出显示
  • 标记重复值
  • 数据条、图标集、色阶
  • 函数自定义规则

2. 分列与快速填充

  • 分列与格式整理
  • 智能填充和合并

3. 数据验证

  • 设置下拉选项
  • 拒绝重复录入
  • 二级数据验证

4. 数据保护

  • 保护工作表
  • 保护工作簿
  • 仅允许输入指定单元格


1. 基础统计函数

  • 通配符使用
  • 相对引用和绝对引用

2. 逻辑判断函数

  • IF函数
  • AND和OR函数

3. 查找函数

  • VLOOKUP函数基本应用
  • VLOOKUP与通配符

4. 优等生的其他解法

  • OFFSET函数

5. 其它必备函数

  • TEXTJOIN链接文本
  • DATEDIF函数计算间隔年月日



1. 快速统计

  • 透视表结果值的多种显示方式
  • 透视表结果值显示为百分比
  • 父级及父级百分比
  • 差异和差异百分比
  • 日期和值的自动分组
  • 文本的手动分组

2. 进阶应用

  • 创建动态更新数据透视表
  • 数据透视表与排序工具
  • 切片器制作动态数据透视图
  • 添加计算字段和计算项


1. 专业图表指南

  • 常见图表误区
  • 专业图表五大元素
  • 图表选择

2. 动态图表制作

  • 图形和图片填充柱形图
  • 丝滑的折线图和面积图
  • 双Y轴图制作
  • 对比柱形图
  • 饼图美化

Course outline


一、Operation skills

1. Condition format

  • Highlighting
  • Mark duplicate values
  • Data bars, icon sets, color scales
  • Function customization rules

2. Columns and fast filling

  • Column and formatting organization
  • Smart Fill and Merge

3. Data validation

  • Set drop-down options
  • Reject Duplicate Entries
  • Secondary data validation

4. Data protection

  • Protecting Worksheets
  • Protecting workbooks
  • Allow input of specified cells only

二、Function formulas

1. Basic statistical functions

  • SUM and COUNT family
  • Using Wildcard 
  • Relative and absolute references

2. Logical judgment function

  • IF functions
  • AND and OR functions

3. Find function

  • Basic application of VLOOKUP function
  • VLOOKUP and wildcards
  • VLOOKUP and MATCH nested use
  • IFNA handling VLOOKUP errors
  • VLOOKUP and INDIRECT to get data across tables

4. Alternative solutions for the top trainees

  • Is XLOOKUP more powerful than VLOOKUP?
  • Free search of INDEX and MATCH
  • OFFSET function

5. Other necessary functions

  • FIND and SUBSTITUTE to replace texts
  • TEXTJOIN link text
  • DATEDIF function to calculate the interval year, month and day

三、Pivot table


1. Quick statistics

  • Multiple ways to display pivot table result values
  • Pivot table result values displayed as percentages
  • Parent and parent percentages
  • Variance and variance percentages
  • Automatic grouping of dates and values
  • Manual grouping of text

2. Advanced applications

  • Creating dynamically updated pivot tables
  • Pivot Tables and Sorting Tools
  • Slicer to create dynamic pivot tables
  • Adding Calculated Fields and Calculated Items
  • GETPIVOTDATA function

四、Professional chart production and beautification

1. Professional Chart Guide

  • Common charting misconceptions
  • Five Elements of Professional Charts
  • Chart Selection

2. Dynamic charting

  • Bar charts filled with Graph and picture  
  • Silky smooth line and area charts
  • Dual Y-axis chart creation
  • Contrast bar chart
  • Pie chart beautification
  • 晏艳 Grace Yan

    晏艳 Grace Yan

Who Should Attend?
Who Should Attend?



Course Audience

Suitable for employees who want to improve their work efficiency and master data analysis methods.


Please use your own name and email when registering for a training session. Additional fees may apply if you fail to register under your own identity. 

A prepayment is required for all full-day training sessions. 


Member Ticket

Member Price RMB 1,080

Member Company Employee Ticket

RMB 1,080

Non-member Ticket

RMB 1,280
  • All registrations shall be made online before the session. Payment also shall be made before the session.
  • AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend at "Member Rate"; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at "Employee Rate"; Non-members are eligible to attend at "Non-Member Rate".
Cancellation Policy
  • Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration, please notify Ray Cheng at (86 21) 6169 3015 or email at least two weeks prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.
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