
AmCham Shanghai's Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Committee invites you to attend a special members and member company employee-only Disney's Nature Conservation Forum and guided environmental tour on Wednesday, April 19 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm at Shanghai Disneyland.

To celebrate Earth Month returning to Shanghai Disney Resort, you are invited to join a gripping array of initiatives that will be introduced at Shanghai Disney Resort, where you can be inspired by the creative ideas to protect the world we share and learn how small, everyday actions can make a big difference. During the first Disney Nature Conservation Forum, leading nonprofit organizations, industry partners, and the resort's nature experts will share insights and exchange ideas on major biodiversity conservation topics. After the Forum, the resort's expert will guide a tour at Wishing Star Park to learn about the beauty of nature and diversified environment initiatives. Everyone's favorite Earth Month Fair will also return on April 19 at Disneytown and you will get the opportunity to explore multiple entertaining booths and activities.

Nature Conservation Forum & Guided Environmental Tour

Date & Time: April 19, 2023, from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Venue: Cinderella Ballroom, Shanghai Disneyland Hotel

Language: Chinese, English with interpretation/subtitles, Chinese Sign Language

Dress Code: Business Casual


09:00 - 09:30 Registration & Networking 活动签到 - 仙履奇缘宴会厅

09:30 - 11:30 Attend Disney Nature Conservation Forum 参加迪士尼自然保护论坛

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch At Lumière's Kitchen 在卢米亚厨房享用午餐

12:30 - 13:30 Guided Environmental Tour at Wishing Star Park 星愿公园环境保护导览

13:30 - 14:30 Earth Month Fair at Disneytown (Free Time) 自行参观体验迪士尼小镇赞颂地球环保市集

14:30 Event End & Free Time 活动结束自由行动


Guests are encouraged to take public transportation as we are Celebrating Earth!

To reach Shanghai Disneyland Hotel using the resort's shuttle bus service, please take Metro Line 11 to Shanghai Disney Resort Station and get out at Exit 4. Guest may transfer to the blue shuttle bus at the bus station. Please note the first hotel is Toy Story Hotel, so get off at the second hotel Shanghai Disneyland Hotel!

Due to the limited seats, AmCham Shanghai reserves the right to attendee approvals.


上海美国商会可持续发展与企业责任行业协会诚邀会员及会员公司员工参加于 4 月 19 日(星期三)上午 9:00 至下午 2:30上海迪士尼乐园酒店举行的迪士尼自然保护论坛和星愿公园环境保护导览

为庆祝地球月重返上海迪士尼度假区,您将受邀参与上海迪士尼度假区推出的一系列精彩纷呈的环保主题活动,邀您用点滴之举,为我们的地球家园带来积极改变。在首届迪士尼自然保护论坛期间,业界优秀的非营利组织、行业合作伙伴和度假区的自然专家集聚一堂,分享和交流各自在环保方面的洞察和经验。论坛结束后,上海迪士尼度假区的专家将带领各位参观星愿公园,了解自然之美和多元化的环保举措。大家喜爱的地球月市集也将于 4 月 19 日在迪士尼小镇回归,您将有机会探索多个寓教于乐的环保主题展位和丰富多彩的互动活动。


日期和时间:2023 年 4 月 19 日,上午 9:00 - 11:30









A prepayment is required when choosing 'Standard Price'.

Member Ticket

Definition of a Member: You are personally registered as a member and hold a membership card.

Lunch is included in the ticket price

Member Price RMB 300
Member Company Employee Ticket

Lunch is included in the ticket price.

Standard Price RMB 400


Shanghai Disneyland Hotel 上海迪士尼乐园酒店

No. 1009 Shen Di West Road, Shanghai Disney Resort. 上海迪士尼度假区申迪西路1009号
Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Jenny Wang

Contact Organizer

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