
一、企业所得税(CIT)部分:Corporate Income Tax

2021 年度的企业所得税汇算清缴如约而至,在这一年当中,财税部门陆续出台了多项企所得税优惠政策,为支持疫情防控、扩大内需和鼓励科技创新,聚焦服务,助力企业发展起到了积极作用。在此次会议中,我们将结合今年的新政策及往年汇算清缴中常见问题进行政策及实操方面的探讨。

The 2021 annual CIT filing is approaching, within the last year, financial & taxation regulatory department has released multiple CIT benefits policies to better support plague prevention, expand domestic demand, and encourage technology innovation and service focusing. The policies also have positive influence on supporting enterprise development. In this webinar, we will discuss some of the common CIT filing issues from the practical aspect and analyzing the new policies and the common issues raised from the past.

  • 税前扣除政策:疫情捐赠税前扣除,政策及填报解析 Tax deductible policies: tax deductible policy and filing instruction on pandemic related donation.
  • 税收优惠政策:小型微利企业优惠政策及填报解析 Tax benefits: small and low profit enterprises favorable tax policies and filing instruction.
  • 加计扣除政策及填报解析 Analysis of tax incentive policy of Weighted Deduction and filing instruction
  • 企业所得税汇算清缴常见问题及解答 Annual CIT filing common issues analysis and solutions
  • 疫情相关企业税收优惠政策 Pandemic related corporate tax benefits.

二、个人所得税(IIT)部分 / Individual Income Tax


The annual individual income tax reconciliation for year 2021 has been launched on April 1. Compared with previous years, we would like to draw your attentions to the services that are optimized and the supervision scopes that are strengthened in 2021. Besides, a number of individual income tax preferential policies were announced to be extended at the end of last year, and one more special additional deduction item of taking care of infant and toddler under the age of three was recently announced. Regarding these policies, what compliance should enterprises and individuals pay attention to and what compliance obligations should they fulfill?

  • 2021年度个人所得税汇算清缴政策解读 Interpretation of 2021 annual individual income tax reconciliation
  • 个人所得税优惠政策下需履行的合规义务 Compliance obligations to be fulfilled under the preferential tax policy
  • 婴幼儿照护专项附加扣除解读 Interpretation of new special additional deduction item of taking care of infant and toddler under the age of three


  • Mavy Zhao (Tax Manager | 税务经理 at Tricor China | 卓佳中国)

    Mavy Zhao

    Tax Manager | 税务经理 at Tricor China | 卓佳中国


    Mavy has 10 years of working experiences in tax sector, she has worked in KPMG and MNC tax department. She is experienced in tax advisory, tax planning, tax compliance, tax audit and tax system set-up; she has been involved in the Microsoft M&A project; and she had provided tax professional services to over 100 clients, such as GAP, China Unicom, World Gold Council etc.

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  • Susan Peng (Associate Director, HR & Payroll Services | 人力资源与薪酬服务副总监 of Tricor China | 卓佳中国)

    Susan Peng

    Associate Director, HR & Payroll Services | 人力资源与薪酬服务副总监 of Tricor China | 卓佳中国


    Susan Peng has over 15 years of experience in the related fields of payroll outsourcing, individual income tax consulting, etc. She has been focusing on providing payroll and individual income tax services for multinational companies. Services including payroll calculation and payment, compensation arrangements, human resources and social security consulting, individual income tax planning and compliance, compliance consulting on equity incentive plan and its individual income tax, as well as consultation on tax and related compliance policies for foreigners' employment and employment permit applications in China.

    The industries that Susan served involve fund investment, banking, insurance, IT, law firm, television media, telecommunications, medical equipment, real estate, manufacturing, hotel management and luxury retail, etc.

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