Putuo District is an important land gateway and transportation hub for Shanghai to connect the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and the inland. It has a superior geographical location; it is in the northwest of downtown Shanghai, bordering 4 major districts in the city. As the starting point of the Shanghai-Nanjing development axis, Putuo District is traversed by the Wusong River (commonly known as Suzhou River), which connects the Taihu Basin in the west, the Huangpu River, and the Yangtze River in the east.
Thanks to its significant transportation advantages, sufficient land for incremental industries, diversified industrial ecology, and a long history of the pharmaceutical industry, Putuo District has been steadily developing in three areas: regional business circulation, R&D and manufacturing, and health services. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Putuo District has accelerated its integration into the overall development of Shanghai's biomedical industry, dedicates to build a world-class life science headquarter that is based in Shanghai and radiates the YRD. This headquarter mainly focuses on high-end medicine R&D, medical resource allocation, and digital medical services. It also promotes the integration of life science technology and digital information technology.
Seizing the opportunities of the integration of the YRD and the China International Import Expo (CIIE), to further develop the biomedicine industry in Putuo District, AmCham Shanghai Trade & Investment Center cordially invites you to "2021 CIIE Series – Briefing on Life Science and Health Sectors of Putuo District, Shanghai", held on Monday, November 8 from 9:30 to 11:30 am at South 03, 23 meters Floor, National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). Leaders from Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Putuo District People's Government and other relevant departments will discuss the development of biomedicine and life science with the attendees.
为抓住长三角一体化和进博会两大国家战略机遇,进一步发展普陀区生物医药产业,上海美国商会商贸投资中心诚邀您参加2021年11月8日上午9点30至11点30于国家会展中心 (会议中心23米层南03会议室),由上海市普陀区人民政府主办的"2021中国国际进口博览会专题活动-上海普陀区生命健康产业"。届时,上海市商委、市经信委、普陀区人民政府及有关部门领导将会莅临活动现场,与企业代表们探讨产业融合发展。
09:30 Registration
09:45 Opening Remarks by Government Officials
10:10 Keynote Speech: Biomedicine Industry in Shanghai
10:20 Keynote Speech: Customs Clearance Facilitation Policy
10:30 Keynote Speech: Healthcare Cooperation Between the U.S. and China
10:40 Keynote Speech: Life and Health Industry Policy & Resource in Putuo
11:00 Corporate Representatives Roundtable
11:20 Discussion & Networking
09:30 嘉宾签到
09:45 政府领导致辞
10:10 上海市生物医药产业介绍
10:20 通关便利政策介绍
10:30 中美医疗健康合作探讨
10:40 普陀区生命健康产业政策与资源介绍
11:00 企业代表圆桌论坛
11:20 交流讨论
Please Note:
· This event is restricted to professionals from Biomedicine/Life and Health related industries
· The venue of the event locates in the hall of National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). Please confirm and bring the CIIE Certificate and the proof for relevant epidemic prevention and control requirements
· If you do not have the CIIE certificate, please visit: www.ciie.org/ciie/f/visitor/pre-book?locale=zh_CN for registration
· Seats are limited. AmCham Shanghai reserves the right for final confirmation due to availability
· The successful registration which shall be approved and confirmed is subject to the final notice from AmCham Shanghai
· 本活动仅限于生物医药、生命健康相关行业专业人士参与
· 活动场地定于进博会展馆内,请确认并携带进博会观展证及相应的防疫防控证明
· 相关的进博会观展证可于www.ciie.org/ciie/f/visitor/pre-book?locale=zh_CN 进行办理
· 名额有限,上海美国商保留最终确认权利
· 活动报名不代表报名成功,报名需通过美商会审核,报名成功以最终上海美国商会通知为准