
At the beginning of 2020, the world has been disturbed by the financial turmoil triggered by a set of "black swan" events. The US stocks market repeatedly triggered the circuit breaker and fell into a technical bear market, followed by the simultaneous circuit breaking of several stock markets in Europe. Bonds, futures, gold and even Bitcoin have suffered heavy losses. Subsequently, different central banks took big moves, which pushed the global stock markets upward….

These changes are fast-moving, dramatic and beyond imagination, but they are real. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic is the leading trigger. However, it has also exposed the long-term pain points in the financial markets as well as some lessons for the future. Today, given the extensive integration of global finance, no economy can stand alone. For this sake, an in-depth exploration of the root causes of these crises and a comprehensive forecast of the capital market in the "post-COVID-19 era" will become the only way to drive the resilience of the global financial sector.

  • What led to the liquidity crisis starting from US stocks?
  • How is the COVID-19 crisis different from the financial crisis in 2008?
  • How shall we carry out future-oriented mitigation against systematic risks?
  • Where shall China go in the face of global financial changes?

On Saturday, April 18th, 2020, at 13:30, emlyon business school, as a world-class institution, will join hands with The Economist Global Business Review and invite executives and business leaders who are interested in challenging the times and growing continuously to attend the Live streaming Forum and GDBA 2020 Information Session hosted by emlyon Global DBA Program.



  • 由美股开启的流动性危机因何而生?
  • 新冠引发的危机与2008年金融危机有何不同?
  • 我们应当如何展开面向未来的系统性风险管理?
  • 在全球性的金融变局之下,中国将何去何从?

2020年4月18日(星期六)13:30,法国里昂商学院作为全球化的精英商学院,携手《经济学人·商论》诚邀有志于挑战时代、持续成长的企业家和商业领袖参加Global DBA项目举办的空中讲坛暨2020级项目交流会。

Along with executives and business leaders from all walks of life, this event will discuss the financial market changes in the context of COVID-19 and the solutions for Chinese companies. Meanwhile, it also inspires all participants to stem from their own industries, extract and sublimate new knowledge from enriched experience and become scientist-practitioners in the new era. Don't miss the Q&A session with the guest speakers! Register now! 



  • 教授陈峻松


    市场营销学教授,GDBA 亚洲项目主任,法国里昂商学院亚洲校区助理校长,工商管理博士DBA导师
    陈博士曾获得过海外归国学者研究基金、国家自然科学基金、中英教育基金奖、英国大学校长联席委员会奖等在内的多项研究奖励。研究成果发表在International Journal of Research in Marketing、Journal of Business Ethics、Journal of Business Research、European Journal of Marketing、Industrial Marketing Management、Journal of World Business等国际著名学术期刊。陈博士是“新浪财经”专栏作家,《营销科学学报》期刊的编委、中国高校市场学研究会理事,《哈佛商业评论》和《中欧商业评论》等杂志的特约作者,并应邀在BBC、CCTV、中国国际广播电台、Economist (经济学人) 等国内外媒体刊物点评中国市场动态和消费趋势。

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  • 博士卢骏


    卢博士的主要研究领域为投资者行为,个人与家庭财富管理,资产定价与公司金融,及金融风险管理。他有多篇科研文章发表于《Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization》,《National Tax Journal》,《International Review of Finance》等国际知名学术期刊。他的研究成果曾获得国际顶级学术会议的最佳论文奖,并被《华尔街日报》,《美国新闻与世界报道》,《财政时报》等著名媒体引用。

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  • 先生吴晨



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  • 女士楼海琳



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To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org.

Interested in introducing your products or services to AmCham Shanghai members through Spotlight Session? Please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6169-3011 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org for detailed information.

What is a Spotlight Session? A Spotlight Session is a promotional platform for companies to introduce products and services to interested AmCham Shanghai members. The sessions are conveniently held at AmCham Shanghai's offices and attendance is FREE.