Event Details

"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."

- Lao Tzu

In today's world, the business landscape is changing at the speed of light. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is shifting paradigms through the integration of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital and biological spaces. Such technologies include artificial intelligence, quantum computing, nanotechnology, robotics and more. Profitability, continuous improvement, and reductionist problem solving are no longer sufficient to engage employees, attract the best talent or peak investor interest. You are expanding your capacity to engage with it all. You have outgrown conventional leadership programs. What is essential for leadership is consciousness transformation – an internal re-boot which will inspire you and your teams toward 21st century organizational excellence.

Join Quantum Leadership to shift consciousness and learn Eastern connection practices which are necessary for concentrated clarity, robust creativity, authentic engagement and cohesive team collaboration.


- 老子




What is Quantum Leadership?

Most leadership programs focus only on technical competency development through conceptual learning. Quantum Leadership strengthens the direct-intuitive skills needed to evolve with creativity and resilience in the face of great change. The purpose of business is shifted to flourishing as participants experience their lives as relational rather than as ego-centered. Expert-led Eastern connection practices are woven throughout the interactive learning modules as a gateway to actualizing your full leadership potential.

Quantum Leadership is the subject of a new practice-oriented book by Frederick Tsao and Professor Chris Laszlo, forthcoming from Stanford University Press in Spring 2019. Based on decades of experience and extensive field research in China, the U.S., and Europe, this retreat gives you the tools, case studies, and practices you need to succeed.



Program Objective

The program is designed to change who you are at a deep intuitive level, combining embodied-experiential learning with analytic-cognitive skill development. You will learn how to cultivate personal and team wellbeing as a way to create exceptional business value.

Experience a range of connection practices accompanied by the leadership tools essential to increase creativity, engagement, and team collaboration. Amplify your ability to inspire people and produce lasting change in complex environments. 

The Quantum Leadership is different from other leadership programs with its unique emphasis on who you are being rather than only what you are doing. 


体验一系列的联结训练,获得必要的领导力工具,提高员工参与度,加强团队协作与创造力。 提升综合实力,更好地激励他人,在复杂环境中创造持续的改变。 


Traditional Leadership Retreats

  • Persuading others through analytic discourse
  • Conceptual learning
  • Technical know-how
  • Sense-making
  • Outer transformation
  • Reductionist problem-solving
  • Sustainability
  • Creating wealth

Quantum Leadership Retreat

  • Raising consciousness
  • Connection practices
  • Direct-intuitive skills
  • Presencing
  • Inner transformation
  • Integration of holistic solutions
  • Flourishing
  • Creating wealth and serving humankind


  • 用分析性言语说服别人
  • 概念学习
  • 技术原理
  • 建构感知
  • 外在转变
  • 极简式解决方案
  • 可持续
  • 创造财富


  • 提升觉悟力
  • 联结实践
  • 直觉技能
  • 自然流现
  • 内在转变
  • 整体性解决方案
  • 繁盛
  • 创造财富,为全人类服务
Program Benefits
  • Build direct-intuitive skills to lead in environments of rapid change
  • Expand into a worldview that is truly collaborative – from "I-to-We"
  • Distill your purpose to its essence and lead from 'being' vs 'doing'
  • Inspire and unify teams and organizations from a place of solid grounding
  • Unleash creativity for innovative problem solving
  • Practice Eastern based connection practices that transform and sustain higher levels of consciousness
  • Collaborate with a global network of like-minded leaders

  • 在快速变革的环境中打造领导者所需的直觉技能
  • 形成合作型世界观——从"我"提升到"我们"
  • 提炼目标,从领导"行为"到领导"本核"
  • 建立稳健的根基,激励团队与组织,建立团队凝聚力
  • 释放创意,获得创新的解决方案
  • 通过东方式联结训练,促成改变,获得更高层的意识
  • 与全球志同道合的领导者合作
Program Coverage
  • Global assessment of current leadership approaches
  • Quantum leadership case studies
  • Exploration of the effect of new sciences on leadership
  • Presencing and sense-making practices
  • Eastern based connection practices interwoven across all learning modules
  • The impact of art on leadership vision

  • 对全球现有领导力方式的评估
  • 量子领导力案例分析
  • 探索新科学对领导力的影响
  • 自然流现与感知建构练习
  • 东方式联结训练,穿插于各课程模块中
  • 艺术对领导力愿景的影响

Quantum Leadership Retreats such as Appreciative Inquiry (AI) are tailored for global decision makers that lead entire organizations, divisions or large teams with profit and loss responsibilities on a strategic and day-to-day level.

Those who are dedicated to evolving themselves, their teams and their organizations against the backdrop of a complex business landscape will benefit personally and professionally through this learning journey.

  • CEO
  • Presidents
  • Board members
  • Family business owners
  • Sustainable entrepreneurs
  • Corporate trainers/ Consultants
  • Academic leaders
  • Consultants



  • 首席执行官
  • 董事长
  • 董事会成员
  • 家族企业主
  • 关注可持续发展的企业家
  • 公司培训师
  • 学术领袖
  • 顾问




  • First day (mid-afternoon arrival)
  • Welcome by Chavalit Frederick Tsao, Chairman, IMC Pan Asia Alliance and Founder & CEO, Octave
  • Late afternoon activity (TBD)


  • Dinner hosted by Chavalit Frederick Tsao

Morning - Module 1: REWIRE

The Shift from Sustainability to Flourishing


  • Mindfulness Practice – Meditation
  • Why current leadership approaches are not creating value for business and society
  • Presentation, discussion, and video

Explore Mindfulness Practices as a Basis for Success in Business and Life


  • Mindfulness Practice – Qigong
  • How can flourishing and living a fulfilling life create greater business value for yourself, your organization, and the world?
  • Discussion of the Preface and Chapter 1 of Tsao and Laszlo

Afternoon - Module 2: REFRAME

Explore Mindfulness Practices [continued]


  • Mindfulness Practice – Sound healing
  • Presencing and sense-making practices: which one is right for you?
  • Dialogue with Chavalit Frederick Tsao

The Science of Connection


  • Mindfulness Practice – Yoga class
  • Interactive presentation on the new sciences and what it means for living and leading
  • Discussion and reading of Chapter 6 of Tsao and Laszlo

Morning - Module 3: RESKILL

The Evolutionary Journey


  • Mindfulness Practice – Connecting to Nature. A guided nature walk around Sangha
  • How mindfulness practices, consciousness of connection, personal wellbeing, and organizational performance fit together. Comparative worldviews and what they mean for evolving the self.
  • Presentation, video, and discussion

The Link between Mindfulness and Leadership


  • Mindfulness Practice. A guided tour of Sangha's art and architecture
  • Sharing your experience
  • Presentation and discussion of N. Adler (2015). Finding beauty in a fractured world: Art inspires leaders—leaders change the world. Academy of Management Review

Afternoon - Module 4: RENEW 

Integration – Choosing Quantum Leadership Practices for You and Your Organization


  • Mindfulness Practice – Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry paired interviews
  • Starting the process of crafting a leadership journey starting with the self. How can you and your business prosper and flourish? Choosing the practices of connection for you and your organization.


  • Chavalit Frederick Tsao (Chairman, IMC Pan Asia Alliance and Founder & CEO, Octave Singapore, China)

    Chavalit Frederick Tsao

    Chairman, IMC Pan Asia Alliance and Founder & CEO, Octave Singapore, China

    Chavalit Tsao, also known as Fred in his network, is the fourth generation steward of a family conglomerate which started in The Shanghai Bund before 1906. Fred joined his family business at the age of twenty after he graduated from the University of Michigan with a Master of Science in Engineering. Fred’s early business successes include starting up a highly profitable palm oil business in Thailand and turning around a bankrupt Thai national shipping line and successfully listing it. In 1995, at the age of thirty-seven, Fred took over as Chairman of IMC Group. Under his stewardship, the traditional shipping company transformed into a multi-national conglomerate with diverse business interests.

    Today, IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group has interests in four strategic business areas:
    1. IMC Industrial, an integrated industrial supply chain group which covers resources, ports, logistics, shipping, offshore engineering, shipyards and other services;
    2. Octave, a sustainable living lifestyle and real estate group; a platform of curated well-being to help people find clarity, harmony and a new level of consciousness and freedom;
    3. Aitia Institute, a learning institute dedicated to shifting consciousness of leadership and organizations in pursuit of sustainability. It is focused on mindfulness as a sustainable process to build harmonious society;
    4. Heritas Capital Management, an investment and fund management group.

    Octave’s concept is the manifestation of numerous years of Fred’s research and contemplation. Octave is a unique blend of eastern wisdom and western sciences. It is a place that responds to our societal need for healing in all relationships and the fostering of a harmonious community. Octave is a platform and an opportunity for anyone seeking to expand their possibilities.

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  • Chris Laszlo, Ph.D. (Professor of Organizational Behavior at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University USA)

    Chris Laszlo, Ph.D.

    Professor of Organizational Behavior at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University USA

    As one of the originators of the concept of sustainable value, Chris Laszlo, PhD, reframes sustainability as a business opportunity, turning environmental and social risks into drivers of innovation, greater employee engagement, and a new, inimitable source of competitive advantage. Laszlo is the author of five books, including Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business (2014), Embedded Sustainability: The Next Big Competitive Advantage (2011), and Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies are Doing Well by Doing Good (2008), all from Stanford University Press. An earlier book, The Sustainable Company (2003), was published by Island Press. He has numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and is the general editor of The Business of Sustainability, the second volume of the Encyclopedia of Sustainability (2010). Professionally, Laszlo was elected a Fellow of the International Academy of Management. His book Flourishing Enterprise was chosen as one of the top sustainability books by Sustainable Brands. In 2012 he was selected by his peers to be a “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior” by Trust Across America™.

    Laszlo received his doctorate with distinction in economics and management science from the University of Paris. He holds Masters Degrees in economics and international affairs from Columbia University and a BA in economics with honors from Swarthmore College.

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  • Sook Yee Tai (COO, Octave Executive Director, Aitia Institute Senior Corporate Executive & Mindfulness Practitioner, Singapore and China)

    Sook Yee Tai

    COO, Octave Executive Director, Aitia Institute Senior Corporate Executive & Mindfulness Practitioner, Singapore and China

    Sook Yee Tai has been with the IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group since 2007, heading up various functions and business groups. Since qualifying as a professional certified accountant, Sook Yee has spent more than 30 years in practice, consulting, corporate, governance and business leadership, including serving as director on Australian listed entities. In the IMC Group, she was the Group Managing Director of the Industrial Business Group, which employs more than 10,000 employees with offices across 16 countries. Prior to joining the IMC Group, Sook Yee spent more than 15 years in the heavy building materials industry, her last position being Country Director for CEMEX Malaysia.

    Having served two family businesses and operated in multi-cultural, male dominated, large businesses, Sook Yee understands and appreciates the relational dynamics and the need to be true, respectful, inclusive and engaging. She believes that to be a true leader in her life, there is no cookie cutter and she needs to lead by serving from her heart and to keep learning. Sook Yee is now part of a larger team, under the flagship Aitia Institute, working to journey with family businesses and enterprises to support and transform their leadership and practices, so they can evolve to support sustainability.

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Sangha by Octave is a mere 1.5 hours away from Shanghai. As an immersive ex-urban retreat location in Suzhou, Sangha is surrounded by water where ancient Wu culture first started. Suzhou is a symbol in China for the artistic, cultural, sophisticated and mindful lifestyle. Sangha spreads over 189,000 square meters of lakefront peninsula on Suzhou's Yangcheng Lake. It is a place for mindful learning designed to enhance your connection with yourself, with others and with nature.

Sangha is the distillation of decades of reflection by Octave's Founder & CEO Chavalit Fred Tsao and is viewed by him as "an expression of a world-view where evolution is supported, and where consciousness can shift to embrace wholeness and connection."  

Sangha is an integrated complex of wellness residences and learning facilities consciously created by master architect Calvin Tsao to be the embodiment of a vision of how such a community might work. One of the spaces within Sangha - The Sanctuary - has won numerous architectural awards for its stunning design, elaborate interiors and exteriors, including UK Blueprint Awards, 2017 APIDA, the A&D Trophy Awards. 

Built with natural materials, Octave's aesthetics and design choices for Sangha re-think the whole idea of space utilization, reconsidering the balance between personal space and communal space, to create a greater sense of closeness, of community.


Program Fee includes tuition, course materials, food and beverage and accommodation of 2 evenings at Sangha by Octave. Octave reserves the right to amend the details of this program.

Standard Ticket
Standard Price RMB 28,000
Early Bird Ticket

Until March 25, 2019


Sangha by Octave

199 Yangchenghuan Road, Suzhou industrial park, Jiangsu Province

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Ivette Corominas

Contact Organizer

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