
Suzhou General Managers Breakfast

Review & Outlook Manufacturing Trends in China

This event is for General Manager/Chief Representative/Operations head ONLY. Confirmation of attendance is subject to AmCham staff's approval.

AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to meet Wilson Wang, new Chair of the Suzhou Center Advisory Committee for the chamber's plan and projects in 2019 on Wednesday, February 8:00-10:00am @W Suzhou. Followed the briefing, Dennis Meseroll, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Tractus Asia Limited, Jim Cooper from Pacific Resources International and He Rui, General Manager of Tolomatic Automation Products will review and discuss the policies, overall economy status to address below points on how does the decision makers in the manufacturing industry view the market in China and their investment trends.

A panel discussion joined by practitioners will follow the presentation. Details of practitioners will update after CNY.

  • China is still an unlevel playing field; increased regulatory scrutiny, stronger local competition, rising costs, decreasing export competitiveness, and slowing economic growth are defining the new normal
  • The trade war is exacerbating this increasingly difficult situation for foreign companies in China, forcing them to make necessary adjustments to doing business in China or planning exits
  • China-based companies that trade with the United States are searching for short-term ways to mitigate the impact of tariffs; all are wondering how long this US-China trade conflict will last. But a trade resolution will not alter China's new normal reality
  • Global FDI alternatives to China are being driven by market access, risk mitigation, and cost competitiveness
  • ASEAN and India are viable alternatives to China, with ASEAN remerging as a competitive FDI and trading bloc, and India emerging as the "Next China."


8:00 AM - 8:20 AM
Networking & Breakfast
8:20 AM - 8:35 AM
Chamber Briefing - Chair of Advisory Committee
8:35 AM - 9:05 AM
Presentation and Panel Discussion
9:05 AM - 9:45 AM
Panel Discussion
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Q&A Session


  • Dennis Meseroll (Co-Founder and Executive Director of Tractus Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.)

    Dennis Meseroll

    Co-Founder and Executive Director of Tractus Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

    Dennis Meseroll, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Tractus Asia Limited. Dennis has more than 20 years of consulting experience and advised hundreds of companies on their direct investment, market entry and market expansion strategies in Asia. Since 1995, Dennis has been the project leader of operational and financial feasibility assessments, site location analyses, real estate and investment incentives negotiations and transactions as overseen dozens of corporate entity establishments and investment approvals through to operational start-up. Clients have included Fortune 1000 companies in a wide variety of industrial sectors including automotive, electronics, semiconductor, textiles and garments, medical devices, chemicals, steel, pharmaceuticals as well as service sectors including telecommunications, healthcare, legal and professional services segments.

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  • Jim Cooper (Senior Consultant at Pacific Resources International)

    Jim Cooper

    Senior Consultant at Pacific Resources International

    Jim Cooper has 25+ years of China business experience. He serves as Governor of AmCham China. He’s a Senior Consultant of PRI; promoting US-China trade development, and establishing Manufacturing in 2nd & 3rd tier cities. He is Chairman of Central Products; with Tianjin manufacturing, domestic & global markets.

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  • Rui He (General Manager at Tolomatic Automation Products(Suzhou) Co. Ltd)

    Rui He

    General Manager at Tolomatic Automation Products(Suzhou) Co. Ltd

    Harry started his career in IBM Europe, and previous worked in Foxconn and German automotive company, made heavy use of welding technology for fabrication and automated robotic processes, supplied BMW, Daimler, and other automotive OEM customers. Harry joined in Tolomatic China since 2017.

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  • Adam MA (General Manager, China Operatioins at Swagelok (China) Fluid System Technologies Ltd.)

    Adam MA

    General Manager, China Operatioins at Swagelok (China) Fluid System Technologies Ltd.


W Suzhou

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Jane Yang

Contact Organizer

+86 62960130

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