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AmCham Shanghai Trade & Investment Center cordially invites you to our 2023 Wuhan High-Level Closed-Door Meeting with MNCs, which will be held on September 13, 4:00-7:00pm, at the House of Roosevelt (27 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road, Shanghai). This meeting is jointly hosted by the Wuhan Municipal Government and AmCham Shanghai.


This meeting aims to promote in-depth exchanges between major leaders of Wuhan City and senior executives of MNCs, and to further deepen the guests' comprehensive understanding of Wuhan. The Mayor of Wuhan, Vice Mayor of Wuhan, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Wuhan Municipal Government, leaders of Wuhan districts and President of AmCham Shanghai will attend to have face-to-face exchanges with corporate executives to discuss political, economic, trade and investment policy issues and explore potential cooperation opportunities.


*This event only opens to senior executives of MNCs (GM & VP & above). All registrations will have to wait for government approval, and a confirmation email will be sent out by AmCham after final approval.


If you have any questions please contact 如有问题请联系: / 6169-3032


4:00-4:30 Check-in

4:30-4:40 Opening Remarks

4:40-4:50 A Brief Introduction on Wuhan

4:50-5:05 Policy Analysis of Wuhan's Core Districts

5:05-5:50 Government-Corporate Communication

5:50-7:00 Banquet & Networking


4:00-4:30 签到

4:30-4:40 开场致辞

4:40-4:50 武汉市整体情况介绍

4:50-5:05 武汉市重点区域政策详解

5:05-5:50 政企交流

5:50-7:00 晚宴

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, ranked 8th among all Chinese cities in terms of GDP in 2022. Wuhan is a core city in central China with a superior geographical location. The 4-hour high-speed rail circle centered on Wuhan can cover nearly 1 billion people in China and about 90% of the total GDP. In addition, the China-Europe Railway Express from Wuhan can directly reach Europe and seamlessly connect Southeast Asia. Wuhan is also one of the three major science and education bases in China, and the number of college students in the city ranks first in the world. The nine pillar industries of Wuhan are: information technology of "photoelectron, chip, display, terminal and network", high-end equipment and advanced basic materials, health and biotechnology, green environmental protection, automotive manufacturing and services, intelligent construction, commerce and logistics, cultural tourism, finance.

武汉,湖北省省会,2022年GDP在全国城市中位列第8。武汉是中国中部地区中心城市,地理位置优越,以武汉为圆心的4小时高铁圈可覆盖中国近10亿人口以及约90%GDP总量,另有中欧班列可直达欧洲并无缝连接东南亚。此外,武汉也是中国三大科教基地之一,在校大学生数量位居全球第一。武汉市9大支柱产业有: "光芯屏网端" 新一代信息技术,高端装备和现金基础材料,大健康和生物技术,绿色环保,汽车制造和服务,智能建造,商贸物流,文旅,金融。


The House of Roosevelt
中山东一路 27号
Shanghai, China

See route

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