
How can Chinese high-potential managers with team responsibility increase their impact and visibility? This workshop will help them to discover and develop their leadership skills.

The originality of the program lies in a combination of theories, activities, and experiments based on breathing and movement-based techniques to heighten effectiveness. It will be facilitated in English in a coaching mode.

Participants will learn how to adopt the right posture when leading their new team as well as while interacting with senior Western managers. They will discover how to improve their team members' performance while also exploring their own potential. At the end of the module participants will design their own action plan.

Workshop objectives:

  • Develop self-awareness
  • Discover one's own potential
  • Enhance communication skills to maximize impact
  • Raise team members' individual motivation and improve collaborative team work

Session Outline

1/ Introduction

  • Introducing the program, its objectives, agenda, and timing
  • Participants' expectations toward the program and experiences with the topic
  • What is being a manager? What is being a leader?

2/ What is leadership – Focusing on you

  • The difference between power and leadership
  • Identifying your own preferred leadership style and developing awareness of its impact on others
  • Discovering your own fighting spirit and maximizing your potential

3/ Introduction to team-work and fighting spirit

  • Maximize team members motivating
  • Boosting teamwork and inclusion to succeed together
  • How to apply it to team performance. Focusing on targets and achieving goals

4/ Developing communication skills

  • Developing assertiveness
  • Developing impact on your audience whatever the size and whomever you are addressing
  • Inspiring others by connecting emotionally to them

5/ Wrap-up, drawing a personal action plan with key steps to success until the next session, evaluation

Who should attend?

Chinese managers with team responsibility within an international company who need to develop their leadership skills to maximize impact. 


08:45 Registration & Networking

09:00 Morning Session

10:30 Morning Session Coffee Break

10:45 Morning Session

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Afternoon Session

15:30 Afternoon Session Coffee Break

15:45 Afternoon Session

17:30 Session Ends

Refreshments will be served during the coffee break for the attendees. Lunch at a nearby restaurant is also included with the ticket price.


  • Sylvie Tournier

    Sylvie Tournier

    Sylvie is an enthusiastic Mandarin speaking consultant specializing in cross-cultural communication, management, and leadership with 20 years of business experience in global environments. She has worked in her career with managers
    of over 40 nationalities.

    She consults, trains, and coaches for global companies across activity sectors. She is passionate about helping managers and leaders meet their challenges and increase their company’s overall performance.

    She lived in China from 2005-2008, managing teams and leading business activities in Shanghai. She has also lived and worked in France, USA, and Germany. She currently resides in Paris, France, working on a regular basis with Americans and traveling to China three times a year.

    view more


A prepayment is required when choosing 'Members only price' or 'Standard Price'.

Member Ticket
Member Price RMB 2,650
Member Company Employee Ticket
Standard Price RMB 3,650
Non-Member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 4,650


  • All registrations shall be made online before the session. For full-day sessions, payment also shall be made before the session.
  • For half-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend free of charge with Training Credit*; AmCham Shanghai members without Training Credit are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at "Employee Rate".
  • For full-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at “Employee Rate”; Non-members are eligible to attend at “Non-Member Rate”.
  • Limited spaces are available and attendance will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Members please bring your membership card and non-members bring your business card upon check-in at the training session.
Walk-in and Cancellation Policy
  • This session requires confirmation of attendance in advance. If you attend this session without prior registration, you will be charged an RMB50 "walk-in" fee as member and RMB100 as employee.
  • Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration for a half-day session, please notify Ivette Corominas at (86 21) 6279 7119 ext. 5671 or email ivette.corominas@amcham-shanghai.org no less than 24 hours in advance. If you need to cancel your registration for a full-day session, please notify Ivette Corominas at least two weeks prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.
  • To ensure that you have a seat, please come to the session on time. Open seats will be released to other guests 15 minutes after the session starts.


AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

Suite 568, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Ivette Corominas

Contact Organizer

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