
TAmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to join our forum on 2018 Economy Review and Outlook for 2019 on November 13, Tuesday, 14:00-16:00 on 18F The Summit, 199 Suzhou West Avenue. We are pleased to have Mary Boyd from The Economist to share the insights.

China's days of double-digit economic growth are over, but its transition to more sustainable growth is now challenged by trade tension. How is this affecting companies, and what will this mean for growth prospects in 2019?

The session will focus on challenges to China's economic model and give an insightful summary of 2018 Economy and its impact to the businesses in 2019.


2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Check in
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Discussion and Q&A
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Wrap up


  • MB

    Mary Boyd

    Network Director of The Economist, Shanghai


    Mary Boyd is responsible for program development and client servicing in Shanghai. She also provides research and conceptual support on China for Economist Corporate Network program. Before joining the Economist Group Mary Boyd was in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, serving on assignment in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and China (in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing). Since leaving government service she has researched and published on economic development and governance issues in China, and has undertaken consultancy work for the World Bank and other international institutions, as well as multinational companies. She has written for a number of Economist Intelligence Unit publications, including Country Report, China Hand and Business China. She co-authored the Economist Intelligence Unit report: Taking on the Competition: Domestic Companies in China.

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The Summit

18F The Summit, 199 Suzhou West Avenue

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Jane Yang

Contact Organizer

+86 62960130

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