
Do senior manager, business executives usually have all the business acumen they need? After all, they do have vast amounts of business experience.


Business acumen is an almost intuitive and applicable comprehension of how your company makes money, built up of three main capabilities:

  • A backbone understanding of what drives profitability and cash flow – Have a comprehensive picture of company internal operation process.
  • A market-focused approach to the business – Have strong awareness of market environment information management mindset.
  • An overall big picture understanding of the business and its interrelationships – Grasp the information about the company's industry trends and competitors' developments.

Together, these three tenets enable leaders to make better business decisions.


  • 提升盈利能力和现金流有透彻的理解,即具有公司内部运营全局观
  • 以市场为中心的业务管理途径,即具有市场大环境信息管理的意识
  • 对业务有全局的了解以及相互间的关系,即对公司所在行业发展趋势和竞争对手动态的信息掌握


Instead of sitting through boring lectures this half-day interactive experiential learning workshop utilizes The Management Game Simulation provided by Game Solution to make sure participants harness their business acumen through winning, making decisions and having fun.

In this workshop, participants will:

  • Have a high-level view of the business, its operations and the financial value flows;
  • Understand of optimisation of resource utilisation, and financial acumen to make sense of alternative uses of resources
  • Understand how costs need to be managed and how each department's budget, targets and resources elate to the performance of company as a whole;
  • Have deep appreciation of financial levers and tools that the company deploys to implement company's short- and long-term strategies;
  • Have a clear picture of how the company is positioned in the competitive marketplace, and how the company stays ahead of competition

与其被困在沉闷的课堂中,这个半天的互动性体验式培训将使用 Game Solution 的 The Management Game沙盘模拟,确保学员们将斗智斗勇、帷幄运筹,从沙盘中提升自身的商务敏锐度 。


  • 拥有全盘商务及财务运作的视觉
  • 了解如何优化资源的使用,以及如何善用替代方案及资源
  • 了解成本该如何管理,以及各个部门的指标、资源将如何影响公司的全面绩效
  • 深入了解各个财务工具及杠杆以帮助公司取得长、短期的战略目标
  • 清晰认知公司在竞争市场里的定位,并知道如何在众多竞争对手中胜出

Who should attend?

  • Senior Executives, Managers and leaders高级主管、经理及领导人
  • Sales People销售人员
  • HR and Training managers人力资源及培训经理


1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Session Starts
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Tea Break
3:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Session Ends


  • C. J. NG (Executive Director of Directions Management Consulting Co., Ltd)

    C. J. NG

    Executive Director of Directions Management Consulting Co., Ltd

    C.J. Ng is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who has helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. C.J. is the first and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. He has consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Delphi Packard, General Electric, Evonik, BMW and Schneider Electric.
    黄常捷 (c.j. Ng)是美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的结合销售、领导力及体验式培训于一身的亚洲咨询师。他是一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面的显著突破。迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:世界领先的IT、通讯企业如 Juniper、Citrix 及艾普森的销售团队如何提高他们的业绩;国际化工集团如赢创、林德工程及空气化工产品 发展提高其团队的领导力和销售能力。全球企业佼佼者如 施耐德、德尔福、宝马及迅达电梯的经理提升领导力及各项领导技能,以提高团队的作战能力等

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Member Ticket
Member Price RMB 360
Employee Ticket
Standard Price RMB 550
Non-Member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 1,000

Registration Policy

  • Member Rate: AmCham Shanghai card holding members ONLY
    Employee Rate: Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies
    Non-Member Rate: Non-Members
  • All individual registrations shall be made online 24 hours before the session.
  • All group package registrations shall be provided by companies 30 days before the first session.
  • 25 seats are available for each training, first-come, first-served.
Payment Policy
  • All the individual payments shall be made online 24 hours before the session.
  • All the group package payments shall be made 30 days before the first session.
Walk-in and Cancellation Policy
  • The session requires confirmation of attendance in advance. If you attend this session without prior registration, you will be charged RMB 50 ‘walk-in’ fee as member, RMB 100 as employee and RMB 200 as non-member.
  • Cancellation is only accepted before 48 hours with full refund; after 48 hours, no refund. Please notify Tina Zhang at 0512 6296 0131 or email tina.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org.
  • To ensure that you have a seat, please come to the session on time. Open seats will be released to other guests after the session starts.
Group Package (Companies which book 10 seats or more at a time are counted as group package)
  • Attendees information shall be provided 30 days before the first session, including: last name, first name, job title, email and phone number.
  • Payment shall be made 30 days before the first session.
  • Reward: Book 10 seats, get 1 reward seat for free; up to 4 reward seats will be provided with 30 booked seats.
  • All the seats shall be used before December 31st, 2018, unused seat(s) will expire on January 1st, 2019 without refund.
  • If the employee can’t attend the session and doesn’t notify AmCham staff 24 hours in advance, the seat will be counted as used.


AmCham Shanghai YRD Center Suzhou Office

Suzhou International Financial Centre, Room 803-A Building 24 Times Square, Huachi Street
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Tina Zhang

Contact Organizer

+86 51269995295

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