
Embracing sustainable and green principles in manufacturing is more than simply the right thing to do. Such practices are enabling organizations to become more efficient, competitive, and profitable. Not only are there financial benefits for implementing environmentally conscious improvements, choosing to not take action puts factories at risk of being shut down due to stricter enforcement of environmental regulations.

China is presently formulating a system of standards on green manufacturing to upgrade traditional manufacturing. The roundtable discussion will provide an update on legislation relating to green manufacturing as well as insights and practices from manufacturers.

Interface will showcase the operation of its Taicang factory (LEED Platinum certified) to demonstrate how it meets its goals of Factories to Zero.

RenewFibre Asia specialises in the development and manufacturing of sustainable and renewable green products. They will talk about how to satisfy the growing global demand for lumber while reducing overlogging and air pollution.

The session will also feature other experts in environmental innovation. Join us on October 22 for an exciting discussion on the challenges and opportunities created by new regulations in the manufacturing sector!


10:00 Registration & Networking

10:30 Presentations

11:10 Roundtable Discussion/Q&A

11:30 Event Ends

Mike Rosenthal, the Chair of the Environmental Committee, will host this event and moderate the discussion with AmCham Shanghai.


  • Sunny Wang (North Asia Marketing Director of Interface, Inc.)

    Sunny Wang

    North Asia Marketing Director of Interface, Inc.

    Sunny Wang has more than 20 years of marketing experience, joining Interface in 2013. She has a long track record of delivering marketing programs that build sales and profitability for iconic brands in the building technology and construction materials.

    She has an MBA in International Business from Maastricht School of Management in Holland, and a bachelor’s degree of Mechanical and Electronic Engineer from Shenyang Institute of Technology. She ever working for Philips lighting, Trane Air-Con and Legrand electronic as Product, Marketing and communication role.

    Sunny is very active on energy saving, sustainability and CSR projects and topics. She joined SEE committee, connect 100 and other marketing associations in China. As a Senior manager of multination company, Sunny developed her dramatics network successfully.

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  • TT Wong (CEO & Founder of RenewFibre Asia Private Limited & Renewmaterial ( Jiangsu) Co. Ltd)

    TT Wong

    CEO & Founder of RenewFibre Asia Private Limited & Renewmaterial ( Jiangsu) Co. Ltd

    • Singaporean
    • Studied in University of Glasgow ( B.sch major in Engineering) and Oklahoma University ( MBA, major in International marketing and finance)
    • Founder & CEO of RenewFibre Asia Private Limited & Renewmaterial ( Jiangsu) Co. Ltd – specialises in the development and manufacture of sustainable and renewable green products that satisfy the growing global demand for lumber, while reducing overlogging and air pollution. Products are made from up to 95% agricultural straw with no formaldehyde additive, an alternative to wood/plastics. The products have been adopted by a number of MNC companies such as HP, Philips, Dupont, Shell & etc
    • Awards winner of various green packaging and sustainable developments such as the Asia and world Star awards, and Singapore environmental Achievement Awards & etc
    • Patents holder of a number of related sustainable development inventions

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  • Helen Yang (Head of Environmental Crisis & Emergency Center at Research Institute for Environmental Innovation(Suzhou)Tsinghua)

    Helen Yang

    Head of Environmental Crisis & Emergency Center at Research Institute for Environmental Innovation(Suzhou)Tsinghua

    Helen Yang oversees the Research Center for China environmental legislation influence, risk assessment, crisis communications and best practice implication.

    With a career spanning over 25 years working with the global 500 companies and industry-leading organizations in China, her extended experiences cover corporate communications, crisis management, CSR, government affairs and training. Industries covering energy & manufacturing, retail & travel, IOT/IT,logistics, financial service and education.

    Prior to joining H+K Strategies, Helen served several senior positions as Vice President & Director of Communications at Sateri, Trane Commercial, Metro Cash & Carry, IHG, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, MC Packaging.

    Helen holds a double Diploma of MBA from the Reims Management School, France and the Dublin City University Ireland. As a seasoned trainer and trusted advisor on crisis management, she recently published her first book, the Crisis Management New Thinking – Cause & Effect in 2016.

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