

Over 1/3 of all China's daily mobile time is being spent on WeChat. As the world's fastest growing social media platform, and the primary link between brands and consumers, WeChat continues to develop into a marketing powerhouse with 1 billion active users today. This session will explain the opportunities it presents for your business and how you can take full advantage.

Why is it so import to use WeChat to market your company? Because

  • Your client use it everyday
  • Your service/product reaches faster to your client through it
  • Easy to build and cheap to maintain

In this session you will have an idea of find your target customers through the social network, search engine and press media.

超过1/3的中国每日移动时间用于微信。 作为全球发展最快的社交媒体平台,以及品牌与消费者之间的主要联系,微信今天继续发展成为拥有10亿活跃用户的营销强国。 本次会议将解释它为您的业务带来的机遇以及您如何充分利用这些机会。

为什么使用微信推销贵公司如此重要? 因为

  • 您的客户每天都使用它
  • 您的服务/产品通过它更快地到达您的客户
  • 易于构建且维护成本低廉



2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM


  • Sam Wu (Co-Founder of Shanghai Humed Convention and Exhibition Management Co., Ltd)

    Sam Wu

    Co-Founder of Shanghai Humed Convention and Exhibition Management Co., Ltd

    Sam Wu graduated with a degree in economics from East China University of Science and Technology. From 2004-2014 Sam worked at Adways, a publicly traded company from Japan. He was also the first employee hired by Adways's China office. In 2005, Sam was promoted to director of media where he was primarily responsible for media placement and strategy. He spent a total of 10 years serving the company. In 2015, he helped co-found Humed, an online network and app geared towards mini program development, network marketing and public opinion traffic monitoring.

    邬贤敏毕业于华东理工大学 经济学。2004-2014 日本东证上市公司Adways中国公司第一个员工。05年开始任公司媒介总监。在公司服务10年,主要负责媒体投放,策略等。2015-现在 联合创立间云网络是公司创始人之一。 公司主要业务,网站,app ,小程序建设,网络营销,舆情流量监控。

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Member Ticket (Free Entrance)
Member Price Complimentary
Member Company Employee Tickets
Standard Price RMB 50
Non-member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 150


4F, Sunny world Phase 2

168 Lushan Road, Jianye District, Nanjing
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Stella Cai

Contact Organizer

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