Event Details


On 19 June 2018, during the third session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), the Minister of Finance outlined the proposed amendments to PRC Individual Income Tax ("IIT") rules. On 31 August 2018, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress approved the amendments to the Individual Income Tax (IIT) Law. The changes generally will become effective on 1 January 2019, although some measures, such as the increased standard deduction and new tax brackets for salaries and wages, will be effective on 1 October 2018.

The adoption of the 7th Amendments to the IIT Law is a milestone in PRC IIT Reform. It has drawn considerable attention from the public and represents a fundamental change to the PRC IIT regime.

Additionally, based on Reform Scheme of the State / Local Tax Collection Administration System, the responsibility of collecting and managing social insurance will be transferred to the tax department from 1 January 2019. This change will also make a strong impact to the enterprises.

Highlights of the IIT Reform

  • · New Tax Residence Rules
  • · Consolidation of tax categories and the introduction of "Comprehensive Income"
  • · Adjusted tax rates and brackets
  • · Increased monthly standard deduction for Comprehensive Income
  • · Introduction of additional itemized deductions
  • · Introduction of general anti-avoidance rules (GAAR)
  • · Tightened PRC IIT compliance and enforcement

Impacts of IIT Reform

  • The revised PRC IIT law will take effect from 1 January 2019. The reform will likely have the following impacts:
  • · Reduction of tax burden for the working class;
  • · Expansion of the taxation scope of foreign individuals in China, and the associated costs to their onshore and offshore employers;
  • · High net worth individuals' global investment strategy and the relevant tax compliance costs.

Impacts of the Collection Change for Social Insurances

  • · The underlying risk for prior years; and
  • · The compliance requirements for future years.

  • In view of the potential impacts of the PRC IIT Reform as well as collection change of social insurance on enterprises and individuals working in China, Deloitte Nanjing tax team will lead a session to discuss the following:
  • · Explanation of the 7th amendments to the PRC Individual Income Tax (IIT) Law.
  • · Potential impacts of the reform on the working class, expatriates in China, high net worth individuals, onshore and offshore employers.
  • · Challenges faced by individual taxpayers as well as enterprises and what they can do to prepare for the upcoming changes.
  • · Analysis of the potential social insurance risks.
  • · Questions and answers session.


14:00 - 14:30 Registration & Networking

14:30 - 14:35 Welcome Remarks

14:35 - 16:00 Presentation

16:00 - 16:30 Audience Q&A

16:30 Session Ends



























14:00-14:30 登记&交流

14:30-14:35 致欢迎词

14:35-16:00 德勤税务专家对税改进行解读

16:00-16:30 提问环节

16:30 活动结束


  • Susan Mu (Tax Manager at Deloitte)

    Susan Mu

    Tax Manager at Deloitte

    Susan is a tax manager of the Tax and Legal Department in Deloitte and she is based in Nanjing office. She has more than 8 years of professional experience in tax and business advisory.

    Susan is experienced in providing PRC Tax services for multinational corporations, State-Owned Enterprises, in the industries ranging from manufacturing, TMT to financial, etc. Her experiences include tax compliance, tax advisory, business model optimization and tax controversy etc.

    Susan also specializes in global mobility services, providing tax compliance and consulting services in relation to the international assignment of personnel into China and outbound investment outside China. Susan also has extensive experiences in providing tax advisory services to high-net-worth individuals in China.

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