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AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center cordially invites you to join the Leadership Conference: Walk with Senior Leaders to further explore global leadership attributes and influence & 2018-2019 Compensation and Benefit Report Launch on Thursday, October 18th.

Walk with senior leaders to further explore global leadership attributes and influence.

The conference aims to facilitate an interactive dialogue on best practices, lessons learned, barriers overcome and a few pointers from the experienced. This will help us further raise the bar to excel leadership awareness within ourselves and for the successors we are actively developing:

  • Risks and gaps between expectation and readiness for leader successors
  • As business environment becomes more uncertain, leaders are expected to be more strategic and influential. What are we doing differently to be savvier in becoming sought-after global leaders?
  • Manage the communications on ever-changing business environment in China
  • Develop and expand the team and business
  • Propose the strategy for next step in China under uncertainties

After the panel discussion, 2018-2019 Compensation and Benefit Report will be launched.

During the conference, the report speaker will present:

  • Data interpretation of the 2018-2019 report
  • Implications of the U.S-China trade friction on companies' businesses and salary structure
  • Comparison with 2014-2017 annual salary survey results

Above sharing and analysis will not be included in the report

Opening Remarks:

  • Leon Tung, Director of Trade & Investment Center, YRD Network

Keynote Speaker:

  • Aiying Wang, Vice President & General Manager at Eaton (China) Investments


  • Maria Liang, Partner of Deloitte China, Tax & Business Advisory Service Leader of Eastern Region
  • Steven Lu, Knowles Corporation, Vice President, Product Management, MCE China and Managing Director, Knowles China
  • Tom Ward, President of PIM China
  • Zou Qin, Vice President, CPT Global Manufacturing at Black & Decker (Suzhou)

Report Speaker & Event Moderator:

  • Jane Yang, Chief Representative, Suzhou Center at the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai



  • 预期与应对准备间的风险与差异
  • 当商业环境更趋多变,领导者被要求更具战略意识与影响力。成为更受欢迎的全球化领导者又有哪些值得借鉴的不同方式?
  • 在纷繁变化的中国商业环境中,达成有效沟通
  • 组织与拓展团队及业务
  • 应对不确定,在华发展的下一步战略建议


  • 2018-2019年度薪酬福利调查数据结果分析
  • 中美贸易关系持续紧张下可能对企业业务及薪酬结构的影响
  • 2014-2017年往期调查结果分享与趋势的对比分析



  • Leon Tung, 上海美国商会贸易与投资中心及长三角业务总监


  • Aiying Wang, 伊顿中国投资有限公司副总裁兼总经理


  • Maria Liang, 德勤华东地区税务与商务咨询领导合伙人
  • Steven Lu, 楼氏集团副总裁,产品管理-消费电子事业部,中国区董事总经理
  • Tom Ward, 普艾铭商务咨询(上海)有限公司总裁
  • Zou Qin, 百得(苏州)精密制造有限公司总经理


  • Jane Yang, 上海美国商会苏州中心首席代表

For sponsorship and event details, please contact:

Jane Yang, Chief Representative, Suzhou Center

T: (+86 512) 6296-0130


Cancellation Policy:

The hotel will prepare food and beverage per PAX, therefore, any cancellation will not be refunded.


Studio 7, 2F, W Suzhou
Building 7 Suzhou Center, Corner of Xinggang Avenue and Suhui Road, Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email jane.yang@amcham-shanghai.orgYou can also reach us at +86 51262960130

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