
Lace up your sneakers, don your sweatband or cap, squeeze into the running attire of your choice and let's get running!

This time, we'll be running on the Puxi side of the scenic Huangpu river. Join us for the next Shanghai Cross-Chamber Run on Aug 14 at 7:30pm! We will meet at RunnerHub at 166 Kaibin Road and run along the river. It's a perfect chance for you to break a sweat in the dog days of summer and meet new people.

Your level of fitness and the distance you can run comfortably is not important as we'll break up into groups at the meetup, where each group will decide how fast and how far they are willing to go. And if you get tired, you can just head back to the start to cool down and wait for the rest of the runners there.

To get to RunnerHub, take Exit 5 at the Middle Longhua Road metro station (龙华中路, Line 7/12). RunnerHub has agreed to keep our bags safe while we are out pounding the pavement. After we finish, we may head to Kiwi Café nearby for a drink or a meal. Make sure you bring water and that you wear clothes you feel comfortable in. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!


7:30pm: Check in at RunnerHub & store bags

7:40pm: Running begins

8:30pm: Networking at Kiwi Cafe



166 Kaibin Road,Xuhui District

Kiwi Café

Greenland Binfen City, 562 Dong'an Lu, Xuhui District


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