
*This event will be live streamed from Shanghai with professional service provider to ensure the quality of the streaming*

The AmCham Shanghai China Business Climate Survey is one of the longest running surveys of U.S. business in China. This year, 434 companies shared their views and insights on a wide range of topics, including trends in company performance, challenges and investment, as well as on questions about trade policy, tariffs, investment reciprocity, VPNs, the Belt and Road Initiative, and Made in China 2025.

AmCham Shanghai, in conjunction with our report partner, PwC, cordially invites you to the release of the 2018 China Business Report on Thursday, July 12, from 11:45–13:50 (Presentation begins 12:30). This buffet lunch presentation is a unique opportunity to learn what your industry peers think about the operating environment in China. Distinguished panelists will also offer their interpretation of the data, as well about the opportunities offered by trends such as growing consumption in China.

· 2018 China Business Climate Report (to be released)

· 2017 China Business Climate Report (click to download)







11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Registration and Lunch
12:30 PM - 1:05 PM
Summary of survey findings, PwC
1:05 PM - 1:35 PM
Panel discussion
1:35 PM - 1:50 PM


A prepayment is required when choosing 'Members Price' or 'Standard Price'.


Member (Lunch included)
Member Price RMB 158
Member company employee (Lunch included)
Standard Price RMB 200
Non-member ticket (Lunch included)
Standard Price RMB 300