
Are you suffering from expensive, risky, and time-wasting content translation? These problems get worse as your markets, products, campaigns, and customer communications increase.

We want to share with you best practices we've learned from some of the biggest and most famous companies in the world. You will walk away from this meeting armed with knowledge about free translation tools you can start using tomorrow to improve your process. You will learn how to start using automatic quality checks for your content, how to track and reuse past translations, and the best ways to use Machine Translation tools. Check and see if you identify with any of the points below.

Bad Translation Processes are WASTING YOUR TIME!

  • Your whole marketing team is stuck doing translations and reviews in their free time.
  • You're spending hours every day going through emails from translators.
  • You export content manually from your CMS to translate it in Word or Excel.

Bad Translation Processes are RISKY!

  • Your translators keep mistranslating product names and industry terminology.
  • Your inaccurate product descriptions are not compliant with Chinese advertising laws.
  • Your customers have found errors in your website content and articles.

Bad Translation Processes are EXPENSIVE!

  • You pay to translate the same words again and again.
  • Your budget isn't big enough to translate all the customer feedback you're generating.
  • You don't even know how much you've spent on translations this year.


2:40 PM - 4:30 PM
Overall Session
2:30pm – 3:00pm Registration
3:00pm – 4:00pm Session
4:00pm – 4:30pm Q&A


  • Morgan GALLUP ZHU (Director of Operations, APAC at Moravia IT (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.)

    Morgan GALLUP ZHU

    Director of Operations, APAC at Moravia IT (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.


Standard Ticket
Standard Price Complimentary


To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6279-7119 ext. 5667 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org.

Interested in introducing your products or services to AmCham Shanghai members through Spotlight Session? Please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6279-7119 ext. 5667 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org for detailed information.

What is a Spotlight Session? A Spotlight Session is a promotional platform for companies to introduce products and services to interested AmCham Shanghai members. The sessions are conveniently held at AmCham Shanghai's offices and attendance is FREE.