
What does it mean to be "American"? What is it about Americana and the US identity that companies can leverage to gain a competitive advantage in China.

The Marketing Committee is proud to bring in Cultural Insight expert Jerry Clode to present his perspective on how American companies can best present their national character to Chinese consumers.

There are most certainly some pitfalls but also key aspects of the United States that are deeply aspirational to Chinese consumers. Using concrete examples, Jerry will showcase the key themes through which Chinese consumers view American culture, suggesting strategic alignments with positive aspects of American culture that can be a powerful way to connect with China's growing middle class.

Jerry will tackle head-on key strategic issues facing US brands and organisations such as how to present liberal US values in a local climate of political-correctness.

This session will be a fun and highly visual presentation to map out how you can frame-up your companies Americanness, with an interactive exercise to help you put this idea into action. Jerry will outline how to leverage American attributes to provide a powerful way to anchor your brand's messaging and positioning in China.

Paul Lin, the Chair of the Marketing Committee, will host this exciting session.


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
AmCham Introductions
9:10 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Interactive Brand Exercise
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Sharing, Q&A and Wrap-up


  • Jerry Clode (Director of SMART@Resonance)

    Jerry Clode

    Director of SMART@Resonance

    Jerry Clode is Director of SMART @Resonance - a bespoke strategy, research and naming service, based in Shanghai. He first came to China in 1994, studying at university-level in Nanchang, Jiangxi. This study formed the basis of his in-depth linguistic analysis of rebel Guangzhou newspaper Southern Weekly. After a tenured academic career at RMIT University Melbourne, where he taught Chinese cinema and language, Jerry then began his prestigious career in marketing.

    Starting out in China, Jerry worked closely with leading American brands, such as Disney and Budweiser, to understand Chinese consumers through innovative techniques, such as in-depth immersion and consumer film.

    Before joining Resonance, Jerry co-lead WPP Added Value’s Cultural Insight offer in London. His goal with SMART @Resonance is to create world-class research solutions for clients in China, placing emphasis on understanding challenges from the point-of-view of Chinese consumers.

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