
Mainland Chinese students' interests (and that of their parents) in attending undergraduate institutions overseas has exploded in recent years. It is a reflection of many factors, notably the increasing wealth of Mainland families, and the demand for quality globalized education vastly overwhelming the current domestic supply. In line with this phenomenon, we've seen a lot of issues in students' applications/admissions processes, including unfortunately rampant fraud, and also issues on destination campuses, such as assimilation. Join our Education Committee event on May 9 at AmCham Shanghai Conference Room for substantial insights into the rapidly evolving environment of admissions into leading academic institutions overseas, with a panel of highly regarded experts in the sector. Learn how students and parents can better prepare themselves for a tremendous, globalized educational experience that creates a platform for lifelong achievement.


17:30 Registration

18:00 Presentation

19:30 Networking

20:00 Close


  • Terry Crawford (Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of InitialView)

    Terry Crawford

    Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of InitialView

    In 2009, Terry founded InitialView in Beijing, China, and one of his first successes was convincing his wife Gloria that she needed to be a co-founder. InitialView’s unscripted, recorded interviews have been a part of more than 150,000 applications to more than 300 selective academic programs, becoming a critical part of the application process at many of the most selective colleges and universities in the United States.
    Terry first came to China in the early 2000s to study Chinese in the Inter-University Program at Tsinghua University. After practicing mergers & acquisitions as a private equity lawyer in Hong Kong and New York, he came to Beijing with the law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett before becoming an entrepreneur. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and a law degree from the University of Michigan. Terry and Gloria live in Beijing with their three kids, all of whom attend local elementary school and speak much better Chinese than their parents.

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  • Brantley Turner (American Principal at Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School)

    Brantley Turner

    American Principal at Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School

    In 2009, Brantley joined the Dwight School international group of schools as Director of Programs - China. In 2014, Qibao High School and Dwight School New York opened IB World School Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School.
    Prior to joining Dwight School, Brantley gained many years of experience in market research and international education in China. Originally from New York, Brantley has lived in China for the majority of the past 20 years. She is passionate about exchange between China and the West. Brantley is working on her PhD from the International School of Management, Paris, France, holds a Graduate Certificate from Johns Hopkins-Nanjing University Center for Chinese American Studies and a B.A. from Brown University. She is fluent in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese and lives in Shanghai with her husband and three children.

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  • Fanming (Ariel) Lin (Associate Director of College Counseling at Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy)

    Fanming (Ariel) Lin

    Associate Director of College Counseling at Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy

    In addition to her role at Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy, which she’s held since 2013, Ariel is Founding Executive Board Member of China Institute of College Admissions, and Counseling Committee Member at the International Association for College Admissions Counseling. Previous to her leadership roles in education, Ariel served as a Project Manager at Ogilvy and Mather Advertising, Shanghai. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Beijing International Studies University.

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