
AmCham Shanghai's Marketing & Media Committee invites you to learn the latest E-commerce trends in China that are driving online and mobile sales. In this session, we will dive into the practical steps businesses in China are taking to find E-commerce Commerce success.

China is the biggest E-commerce Commerce market in the world, but as a brand, it's tough to survive in such a fast-moving and disruptive environment. In China more than anywhere else, online players need to build their digital playbook to meet the evolving consumer needs.

Our speakers will take the audience through how E-commerce is moving away from its traditional "Direct to Consumer" format in China. They will detail the latest trends for E-Commerce in China such as Social Commerce, M-commerce, Blockchain and O2O. The Chinese E-commerce landscape will inevitably influence the rest of the world, and this session will deliver highlights to brands and organizations on how to keep up with it.



  • Hugo ARRUFAT (Business Developer at IT Consultis)

    Hugo ARRUFAT

    Business Developer at IT Consultis

    Amazed by the dynamism of the Chinese digital ecosystem, Hugo has joined IT Consultis to be at the heart of where the new digital blueprint is drawn for the rest of the world. Hugo meets with E-commerce players on a daily basis and loves imagining with those partners on how to craft digital experiences that bring the best ROI for his clients.

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  • Thomas Guillemaud (COO and CO-Founder of IT Consultis)

    Thomas Guillemaud

    COO and CO-Founder of IT Consultis

    As the COO of ITC, Thomas manages all operations and promotes the adoption of new technologies and philosophies within the company. In addition to raising the efficiency of each project, he invests his time in coaching and mentoring the project management team as well as the development team, ensuring they all have standardized knowledge and skills to successfully meet client's’ expectations.

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  • Aurelien Rigart (Vice President at IT Consultis)

    Aurelien Rigart

    Vice President at IT Consultis

    Aurelien is a serial entrepreneur. He is Board of Director of EO (Entrepreneur Organization), Board of Director of French Tech. He also is a coach for startups and mentor for other entrepreneurs. As Vice President of IT Consultis, Aurelien is responsible for the development and expansion of the company, leading the strategy, sales, and marketing departments.

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