Event Details

On May 8th, at 12.30 p.m., at the AmCham Shanghai Conference Center, and in conjunction with the Irish Chamber of Commerce, Dr. France Ruane, an Irish economist whose former recent roles include Director, Economic and Social Research Institute Ireland and Professor of Economics at Trinity College Dublin, will speak on Brexit and its implications for Europe, business and investment into the European economy. She will also address the implications of a slowdown in UK economic growth for the global economy.

With research interests that include globalisation in an EU context, with a focus on Ireland and most recently Brexit, and having served in many senior advisory roles at various Irish economic agencies, Dr. Ruane is uniquely placed to discuss the economic and business impact of Brexit.

Dr. Ruane has been involved with the development of European statistics over the past twenty years, first as a member of CEIES (The European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres), then as a member of the executive of ESAC (the European Statistical Advisory Committee) and currently as a member of ESGAB (the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board). In this work, Dr. Ruane has been closely involved in developing concepts and measures to allow an understanding and monitoring of the process of European economic integration. Brexit has raised awareness of just how integrated the production system is in Europe, while at the same time consumer markets remain quite distinctive. This combination of production integration with consumer market separation is at the heart of understanding the complexity of possible scenarios post Brexit.

Dr. Ruane holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Oxford.


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