
Chinese Authorities are increasingly shifting their focus from permitting of industrial facilities to ensuring operational compliance. In the last 12 months, over 30,000 violations were issued under the new Environmental Protection Law, with over 6,500 industrial facilities being ordered to suspend or shutdown operations, resulting in business interruption and supply chain disruption.

Across the country, environmental regulators have drawn up “Supervision Lists for Key Polluting Enterprises” and published these online. In Shanghai alone, over 1,000 companies were named as “Key Polluting Enterprises” in January 2018. Half of these companies are either foreign JVs or wholly owned foreign enterprises. These facilities can expect increased inspections and enforcement actions in 2018.

Join AmCham Shanghai's Environmental Committee on Tuesday, April 17 from 10:00am-12:00pm, to hear our industry experts explain how the Chinese government' s crackdown on environmental compliance is likely to play out over 2018, present a new risk prevention and early warning approach, and provide solutions to help companies foresee and minimize impacts on their business and supply chains.


  • Piers Touzel (Country Manager at ERM)

    Piers Touzel

    Country Manager at ERM

    Mr. Piers Touzel is ERM’s China Country Manager. He has helped multinational clients identify, assess and manage EHS risks in China for 18 years. He advises industrial clients, investors and financial institutions on the financial implications of sustainability challenges associated with the establishment of new facilities as well as acquisitions and divestitures.

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  • Cherry Hu (Partner at ERM China)

    Cherry Hu

    Partner at ERM China

    Dr. Cherry Hu is responsible for ERM China’s Regulatory Advisory Services. Prior to joining ERM in 2008, Dr. Hu was an official with China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection, based in Beijing. She is a registered Environmental Expert with MEP and has been called on to act as an external technical expert to support the central government’s Environmental Inspection Group, visiting multiple industrial sites alongside government inspection teams in 2017.

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  • Browaeys - 庄博闻 Johnny (Director International Operations of Greenment, Inc.)

    Browaeys - 庄博闻 Johnny

    Director International Operations of Greenment, Inc.

    Mr. Browaeys has 26 years of experience helping companies understand and mitigate environmental risks in China and beyond. He works at GREENMENT, the largest private-owned, Chinese EHS consulting firm in China. Prior to GREENMENT, he worked for ERM, setting up the first environmental consultancy business in western China, for CH2M Hill setting up the Soil & Groundwater Remediation business, and for DuPont coaching Chinese business leaders in building an environmental performance culture.

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