
This month’s Member Briefing features a discussion on China’s consumers in the “New Era” with leading China market strategist Shaun Rein, on February 6 from 17:30 to 19:30 at Four Seasons Jing An hotel. Rein is the Managing Director of China Market Research Group (CMR) and author of The War for China’s Wallet and The End of Cheap China. He will provide insights on China’s outbound economic plans, the shifting consumer base in China, which is increasingly nationalistic, and how companies can take advantage of these trends to profit in China’s New Era.

This discussion is off the record and seating is limited. Admission to this event is complimentary. All members are required to wear a current Membership Card during the event for identification purposes. We are unable to accommodate non-member guests at this briefing.


5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration & Networking
6:00 PM - 6:40 PM
6:40 PM - 7:00 PM
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Cocktail Reception


  • Shaun Rein (Managing Director of The China Market Research Group)

    Shaun Rein

    Managing Director of The China Market Research Group

    Shaun Rein is the managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR), the world’s leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. Using sophisticated methodologies, CMR conducts customized, objective, and discreet research to help multinational and domestic Chinese companies understand how to seize advantage of the fastest growing economy in the world. In presentations, Rein takes an engaging and informative approach to examining the extraordinary changes taking place across all levels of Chinese society and how they affect businesses across the world.

    Author and Columnist. One of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China, Rein is the author of the best-selling book The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World. USA Today said, “Rein combines elegant writing and methodical research. Years of working in China have given him access to important players.” In the book he puts China’s continuing transformation from producer to large-scale consumer – a process farther along than most people think – under the microscope, examining the eight megatrends catalyzing change in China.
    Millions also read Rein’s regular column in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He previously wrote a weekly column for CNBC and Forbes on business in China and leadership. Before that, he wrote for BusinessWeek’s “Asia Insight” column. He is often featured in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review,the Economist, Financial Times, Newsweek International,Bloomberg, TIME, and the New York Times. He is regularly interviewed by American Public Radio’s Marketplace and NPR. Rein frequently appears to deliver commentary on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Bloomberg TV, CBS News, and CNN International TV.
    Early Career. Before founding CMR, Rein was the principal and chief of research for venture capital firm Inter-Asia Venture Management. He also was the managing director, country head China for e-learning software company WebCT, where he ran the company’s Taiwan and South Korean operations. He was also the CEO and founder of Little Mountain (Xiao Shan) English Education Company, the assistant director of the Centre for East Asian Research at McGill University, and the president and founder of Reino Productions.

    Rein earned his masters degree from Harvard University focused on China’s economy and received a BA Honours from McGill University.

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